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Answers to Question 8: What could be done to ensure a better session next time?
There are 153 answers to this question.

153. everything was great!
152. all good
151. n/a
150. i must say, it was pretty informative!
149. maybe a print screen shot of how to access each database. it's difficult to remember everything.
148. when I'm looking for something, I'm probably not going to remember which database to go to. Create a search system to direct me to the correct database based on my topic.
147. fit it into 45 minutes rather than 1 hour.
146. post the power-point slides online.
145. less of a range of databases and more specific focus on the better ones.
144. none
143. can gain better knowledge of project.
142. Interactive presentations
141. it was too long. keep it shorter.
140. nothing
139. more time.
138. interactive games? This could make class entertaining.
137. a little more exciting
136. it's very good. I don't think anything could be improved.
135. less quantity of materials and information
134. 1 hour is too long. 30-45 minutes would be enough to give us all of the information.
133. use the whole lecture time to go in depth.
132. it was a good session which answered many of my questions. I wish it was shorter as it seemed to drag on for too long.
131. shorten it!
130. more interactive
129. nothing, it was well done.
128. allow us to search and practice using websites during the presentation.
127. make it more entertaining.
126. engage the classroom.
125. session should be done at the beginning of the semester- NOT after all the midterms.
124. more interactive- more videos.
123. n/a
122. don't know
121. a little too long.
120. Try to look up more often. It was too long, a dry presentation, try to shorten it.
119. n/a
118. keep it the same! Great detail and transferring of information.
117. the handout could include the names of the databases which are on power-point.
116. maybe ask students about suggestions for searches. more interactive.
115. we could have brought our laptops, to try what the librarian was doing right on the spot. It'd be more hands-on. we could save tabs right away.
114. more entertaining- it was easy to loose focus.
113. perhaps more visual aids
112. examples that are prepared before the session, in order to make it flow better.
111. power-point slides printed out.
110. more interaction back and forth with the class.
109. n/a
108. make it shorter- it was overwhelming.
107. shorten it- it was too long. The website text was too small, zoom in please.
106. Allow students to use laptops so that they follow the librarians.
105. a little more preparation for the example articles/ databases.
104. maybe allow students to follow along on laptops, so students can search relevant topics and jump-start their own specific topic.
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