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Answers to Question 8: What could be done to ensure a better session next time?
There are 22 answers to this question.

22. it was a good session
21. I think Toni did great just as is the info was good and I think her background research before the presentation is the cause of her good presentation.
20. shorter presentation
19. more time and more examples
18. video aid
17. longer sessions
16. less information
15. further assisting/finding information for my topic
14. decreasing the length so everyone can pay attention
13. everything was fine
12. more time
11. slides condensed for handout
10. more time, spread out info
9. shorter and more focused, less on wide ranges of databases
8. nothing
7. more time
6. slightly more time or less info
5. longer session
4. more applicable searches/demonstration of what I'm doing research on
3. more time
2. more focus on the specific project - some info was irrelevant
1. make students to go through the actual e0lib process
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