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Answers to Question 6: What I found most useful about this session was:
There are 60 answers to this question.

60. there was a lot of info on some good research databases
59. learning about the valuable resources available for marketing research
58. GMID
57. marketing related databases
56. the links to website reports
55. the links
54. demographic and csr info
53. the useful links and how to access them
52. the sources that are available to us and the awareness created about
51. finding information specific to marketing, mkgt 4550, companies, industries, brands, consumers etc
50. the many sources to use
49. the sources that were discussed
48. learning about the Sustainalytics website and also Marketline where I can get a SWOT analysis
47. citation help and resources walk through
46. overview of the marketing databases I am working on a project and this will be a big help!
45. databases and what they contain
44. helpful for specifics on sites and how to actually use
43. database names for specific projects
42. the extensive databases available to York students didn't realize these privileges existed!
41. the research sources and how accessible they are
40. breadth of selection of resources and sites
39. some of the market share links
38. the csr links I didn't know about
37. the online databases
36. example walkthroughs
35. I had a vague idea of the references available but after the session I am confident that I can utilize them better.
34. learning about course website (guide just for our class) learning about Marketline and other sites with significant company information
33. some of the new databases like Sustainalytics
32. learning about the Market Share Reporter and Best Customer books
31. marketing specific resources
30. online resources
29. some good review of searching tips ( and refresher) some very useful links
28. good reminder of resources we have access to and introduction especially for market research resources
27. good to see how to use sources properly, how to improve my search, and new databases to use
26. use of Mergent and Investext
25. the videos
24. news of certain databases goo overall macroscale
23. everything
22. the citation guides on the library website
21. knowing the online databases and how to really make the most use of them
20. all the webpage links
19. the new databases Toni presented to us the books she showed us relevant to CSR assignment and assignment 3
18. the Sustainalytics website
17. GMID. that Sustainalytics site blew my mind. it was mind blasting.
16. all the useful databases
15. database I never knew wonna search more
14. how to use the databases more effectively love the new feature where these slides are online
13. the access to the databases
12. the new database was useful
11. seeing the websites and having a librarian show you exactly where to go
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