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Answers to Question 8: What could be done to ensure a better session next time?
There are 28 answers to this question.

28. more concise information and mmore organized presentation of the various resources ( ex: ensuring students know which websites correspond to which category of desired infro such as advertising research)
27. a little shorter presentation
26. nothing
25. have a good example ready
24. I was satisfied
23. more examples and videos
22. everything was good
21. list of links on handout rather than having us write them down
20. more interactive? maybe we can "click along"
19. a list of all available resources
18. ask questions and students need to find the answer by searching a database (ex. how many residents of Bowmanville drive to work?- would have to use Stats Can good way to make it interactive and learn to search
17. perhaps some interaction
16. nothing comes to mind
15. even more class involvement would be interesting -say class exercises online
14. understand the level of knowledge students already possess of use of resources to insure minimum repetition of facts gained over 4 years
13. get to the point faster
12. make it shorter!
11. shorter/ loses my attention
10. more than one session more youtube videos more handouts
9. I'm not sure
8. less examples. we can cover the examples if they are already on slides offered on library course website.
7. it was good
6. provide a list of the websites with small descriptions of what they could be best used for
5. categorize the databases into specific sections for better organization
4. it's good!
3. a bit more time would be nice
2. avoid extremely basic demonstrations /questions. for example not asking the difference between a public and private company. Everyone attending Schulich knows the difference. And spend the time demonstrating examples on databases.
1. everything was amazing!
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