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Answers to Question 9: Any other comments?
There are 21 answers to this question.

21. thanks
20. very enjoyable
19. very thorough and liked the video at the end
18. great examples and interaction with class
17. well done, interactive and interesting overall
16. thank you!
15. provide the sessions to 1st year classes because I only found these this year
14. engaging speaker - clearly likes the subject matter
13. great job!
12. I enjoyed it
11. good presentation
10. noting comes to mind but a good presentation!
9. very helpful, nice to have the course guide
8. we know databases are expensive but remember that we pay for it through our tuition we know a lot we're business students been here for 4 years ie public vs private, why companies have a website - feels like you think we know nothing
7. a very interesting library session
6. thank you!
5. good stuff!!!
4. nope
3. liked the videos
2. good
1. love the end video
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