"This year the Faculty of Education has been piloting the Mentor Teacher Resource Room (MTRR) as part of a project in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. The purpose of the resource is to better support the role of the Mentor Teacher. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions so that we might gain some insight into the project’s effectiveness to date. At the end of the year we will be conducting another survey as well as a series of focus group interviews to evaluate the overall success of the project. ","Have you been receiving regular (weekly) email messages with links to the MTRR?","Are the links working properly?","Who sends the message?","Are you also regularly informed about information such as responsibilities, school visits and other important practicum material from your York Practicum Partner?","How often do you read/listen to the MTRR material?","Are the MTRR messages posted at a time in the week when they are most useful?","Is the content of the material relevant? ","How useful are Mentoring Minutes (podcasts)?","How useful are the Mentor Teacher Updates?","Is the MTRR supporting your interactions with your Teacher Candidate? ","What do you find useful about this model? (Check as many as applicable)","Are there any additional benefits?","What disadvantages have you encountered in using the MTRR?","Please include any additional suggestions/comments for us to consider as we work to improve the MTRR and the communication model. ","What is the name of your school?","What is the name of your school board?",Datetime ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Always","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk","Helpful to be reminded of these resources on a weekly basis.","None",,"Earl Grey Sr Ps","TDSB","2011-12-01 13:56" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR",,,,"chat","jewish school board","2011-12-01 14:16" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"St. Wilfrid","TCDSB","2011-12-01 14:33" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"St. Jude","Toronto Catholic","2011-12-01 15:38" ,"Yes","Usually","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Rarely",,,"I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","No","Clarification of practicum expectations",,,,"St Jean de Brebeuf","YCDSB","2011-12-01 16:45" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk","Keeping on track of responsibilties","Maybe too frequent",,"Denlow PS","TDSB","2011-12-01 21:03" ,"No","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations",,,,,,"2011-12-01 22:02" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","Not useful","Very useful","Yes",,,,,"Discovery Public School","York Region School Board","2011-12-02 07:41" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","No","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms","short to read quick and easy to follow",,"After reading things on the MTRR, I find that very often my teacher candidate is not aware of the things I am talking to her about. Not sure why this is?","St. Philip","Dufferin-Peel","2011-12-02 07:54" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Rarely","No","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,"father michael mcgivney","york catholic district school board","2011-12-02 09:28" ,"No",,"Not Sure","No","Always","No","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful",,"Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,"Rockcliffe MS","TDSB","2011-12-02 09:50" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","No","Rarely","No","Rarely","I don't know what these are","Not useful",,,,,,"Father Michael McGivney","YCDSB","2011-12-02 09:51" ,"Yes","Usually",,"Yes","Rarely","Yes","Rarely","Not useful","Somewhat useful","No",,,,,,,"2011-12-02 09:56" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"Maple HS","YRDSB","2011-12-02 10:00" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions",,,,"Sir William Mulock SS","yrdsb","2011-12-02 10:05" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","No","Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"WCI","YRDSB","2011-12-02 10:18" ,"Yes","Usually","Not Sure","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Very useful","Yes","Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,"St. Maximilian Kolbe C.H.S.","YCDSB","2011-12-02 11:19" ,"Yes","Always","Not Sure","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,"finding time to read them all",,"Richmond Green S. S.","York Region District School Board","2011-12-02 11:20" ,"Yes","Usually","The Site Coordinator ","No","Rarely","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","No","Easy access to needed forms",,"I don't have the time to look at them",,"Maple H.S.","Y.R.D.S.B.","2011-12-02 11:35" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"Baycrest PS","TDSB","2011-12-02 12:25" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,"Denlow Public School","TDSB","2011-12-02 12:54" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations",,,,"St. Luke the Evangelist",,"2011-12-02 14:47" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Always","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,"St. James","Durham Catholic District School Board","2011-12-02 14:57" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,,,"2011-12-02 15:02" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Never","Yes","Rarely","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes",,"Name and phone number of York Practicum Partner in case I need the ""short"" version of instructions, or questions answered.","Regular updates start to overwhelm me. I feel guilty about not checking it enough but since the site is so verbose, I don't usually find the answers to my questions in a timely manner and so I call the Practicum partner.","Simplify the information. Write a few sentences in the MTRR, instead of paragraphs. Keep one section for ""Hot and happening"" assignments or instructions for each week. ",,"ddsb","2011-12-02 15:24" ,"Yes","Usually","Not Sure","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes",,,,,,,"2011-12-02 16:26" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content","-updated and relevant information","- time ","n/a","St. Jude","tcdsb","2011-12-02 17:02" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"Tosorontio","SCDSB","2011-12-02 17:22" ,"Yes","Usually","Not Sure","Yes","Usually","No","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations",,,,,,"2011-12-02 19:22" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Never","Yes",,"I don't know what these are","Not useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations","It's a great idea...teachers are just too busy to take the time to read all of the updates and newsletters. It's sad because I think a lot of effort goes into creating these, but I really don't have the time to read it all. It got to the point that I would just delete it instead of saving it because there are just not enough minutes in the day.","Again, it's just the lack of time in the day. My students are my priority and I have to prep for them first. ","I'm not sure what the solution is to my complaint of 'time to peruse' all of the info. ","Monsignor Clair School","SMCDSB","2011-12-02 19:22" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","No","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,,"York Region ","2011-12-03 08:52" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms","It keeps me on track with what I'm supposed to be doing with my student teacher and with what York U expects.","Remembering to utilize it more often (which is really my problem not anyone else's)",,"The Dr. G. W. Williams S. S. ","YRDSB","2011-12-03 11:48" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,"I would appreciate if a link to the practicum calendar and to the weekly guidelines for teaching load requirements, journal entries etc. could be added to the MTTR site. It would be nice to have access to these online at home instead of just the paper copy I have at school.","Vimy Ridge P.S.","Durham DSB","2011-12-03 11:50" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","No","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"St. Stephen School","YCDSB","2011-12-03 16:36" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","No","Rarely","Not useful","Somewhat useful","No","Easy access to needed forms","The resources are too general. On-line communication is an added responsibility for mentor teachers. We must download the forms and print them. This is a hands-off approach that makes things easier for York U, but not for mentor teachers.","I must copy the forms. I have no general overview of expectations now - it is fragmented and time-consuming.","Bring back the package of expectations and forms.","Langstaff Secondary School","York Region","2011-12-03 19:00" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Always","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"Sacred Heart","YCGSB","2011-12-03 22:57" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Always","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Resources located in one central spot, Access to responses to common questions",,,,"st. stephen","YCDSB","2011-12-04 10:32" ,"No",,,,,,,,,"No",,,,,"Parkdale Public School","Toronto District School Board","2011-12-04 12:04" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Always","Very useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk","The above are the main benefits.","None so far.","Can't think of any at this time.","St. Monica Catholic School","Durham Catholic District School Board","2011-12-04 15:54" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","No","Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,"Dixon Grove","TDSB","2011-12-04 18:44" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Always","Very useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot",,,,"St. Wilfrid Catholic School","TCDSB","2011-12-04 20:14" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Access to a summary of practicum course content","It's a good way to keep in touch with some of the TC's life at York.","None",,"West Lynde Public School, Whitby","Durham District School Board","2011-12-04 22:47" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually",,"Very useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,"The disadvantages are not with the MTRR, but with me. I am not a ""computer"" person and have not taken full advantage of the MTRR. I am more comfortable now and will be more comfortable in future. I need longer than the average teacher to jump into a computer-based format.","I'm sure the podcasts are useful, but again, I'm not a confident computer user.","Harmony Heights Public School","Durham District School Board","2011-12-05 08:52" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content","Most of the time updates are just the right length. ","Sometimes the forms have some glitches.",,"Andrew Hunter ES","Simcoe County District School Board","2011-12-05 08:53" ,"No","Usually","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Not useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions",,,,"st. gerard","DPCDSB","2011-12-05 09:10" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,"I have not had any.",,"St. Luke","Durhan Catholic District school board","2011-12-05 10:24" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","No","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","No","Ease of access to MTRR, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"MGCI","TDSB","2011-12-05 10:30" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,"York Humber High School","Toronto District School Board","2011-12-05 10:32" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","No","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes",,,,,,,"2011-12-05 12:27" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"CALC","TDSB","2011-12-05 13:18" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Usually","Very useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,"Cardinal Leger Catholic School","Toronto Catholic School Board","2011-12-05 14:27" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","No","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot",,,,,,"2011-12-05 15:25" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions","n/a","n/a","n/a","St. Dominic Savio School","Toronto Catholic District School Board","2011-12-05 15:35" ,"No",,"The York Practicum Partner","No","Always","No","Usually","Not useful","Very useful","No","Ease of access to MTRR",,"We really haven't been clearly told what this is, and how it can help us in our role. Communication is usually too slow to come, especially about what we should be focusing on with the TCs, reminders of timelines, and so on.","As above. Information must be forthcoming and in a timely manner. For example, we did not know until later in October which subject areas the TCs should focus on in each year of their program.","Dallington PS","Toronto DSB","2011-12-05 17:05" ,"Yes","Usually","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Easy access to needed forms, Access to responses to common questions","not sure at this time","none to date","none at this time","St. Cecilia C.E.S.","York Catholic District School Board","2011-12-05 17:23" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR",,,,"St. Jean de Brebeuf","TCDSB","2011-12-05 19:06" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","No","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,"Danforth CTI","TDSB","2011-12-05 20:01" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions",,,"easy access and simplicity","Chaminade","Toronto catholic dsb","2011-12-06 07:07" ,"No","Never","Not Sure","No","Never","No","Never","I don't know what these are","I don't know what these are","No",,,,,"Dallington P.S","TDSB","2011-12-06 07:58" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"Trillium Woods P.S.","York Region District School Board","2011-12-06 08:35" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"Alexander Mackenzie High School","York Region District School Board","2011-12-06 08:46" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Access to responses to common questions",,,,"Roselawn P. S.","YRDSB","2011-12-06 08:48" ,"Yes","Always","Not Sure","Yes","Always","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"Holy Trinity High School","SMCDSB","2011-12-06 09:23" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Rarely","Yes",,"I don't know what these are","I don't know what these are","Yes",,,"It doesn't have the OISE/UT forms that I find useful in mentoring teacher candidates. The current interim assessment form that York provides is entirely useless in terms of providing teacher candidates with meaningful feedback.","Please create your own version of http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/supo/UserFiles/File/Forms%20&%20Resources/Formative%20Assessment%20Checklists/Formative%20PT2%20Secondary.pdf.","Riverdale Collegiate Institute","Toronto District School Board","2011-12-06 10:45" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Always","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,"SEED Alternative School","TDSB","2011-12-06 11:12" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes",,,"Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"Homestead P.S.","PDSB","2011-12-06 13:15" ,"No","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","No","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,,"YRDSB","2011-12-06 13:24" ,"No","Usually","Not Sure","Yes","Rarely","No","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,"The most current forms were not sent out until very late and caused some confusion. ","Holy Spirit","Duffern Peel Separate Catholic ","2011-12-06 14:24" ,"No","Usually","Not Sure","Yes","Rarely","No","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,"The most current forms were not sent out until very late and caused some confusion. ","Holy Spirit","Duffern Peel Separate Catholic ","2011-12-06 14:24" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","No","Ease of access to MTRR","none","None","More clarity. easier to read..","RH Mcgregor","TDSB","2011-12-06 14:51" ,"Yes","Usually","Not Sure","Yes","Always","Yes","Always","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms","I liked being prepared for what my tc might be working on or needing help with. Linking the classroom experience to work at the university. ","None","Thank you","Shaughnessy","TDSB","2011-12-06 15:33" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","Not useful","Very useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to responses to common questions",,,,"RH McGregor","TDSB","2011-12-06 15:44" ,"Yes","Usually","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Always","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to materials to support TCs at risk","Yes there are benefits but more specifics would be helpful. (i.e. evaluations that are due and where to easily find them)","The print is very small when you print them.","Possible clear schedual of deadlines? Or am I missing this? I usually read all the updates it takes some time to catch up though. SORRY!!","St. Mary Catholic School","York Catholic District School Board","2011-12-06 15:54" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content","Having online access to this information makes it very easy to manage and reference the materials.","A couple of times I have had trouble navigating the site. It took me a while to find a section. ",,"RH McGregor","TDSB","2011-12-06 17:13" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes",,,,,"Winchester","TDSB","2011-12-06 17:22" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","No","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,,,"2011-12-06 17:42" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms","not sure yet","n/a","not sure yet","pelmo park","tdsb","2011-12-06 18:53" ,"Yes","Usually","Not Sure","Yes","Usually","Yes","Always","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions",,,,"Trillium Woods P.S.","York Region District School Board","2011-12-06 18:59" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk","Yes, is very clear what to expect from my student teacher after each seminar. I cannot ask her to do an evaluation or lesson plan before it was taught.","Sometimes the informations are long and I nned to take time to follow up.","All links are based on an auditory tutorial; personnaly, I am a visual learner and I prefer a Power Point presentation.","Owen Public School","TDSB","2011-12-06 19:25" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Usually","Very useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,"Dunlace P.S.","TDSB","2011-12-06 20:22" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Always","Yes","Always","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content","Feel connected/informed re: the current pedagogical programme at Glendon College. Offers guidance, acts as facilitator.","Time consuming especially during school reporting periods. Takes time to get accustomed to set up and layout.","Make information as succinct as possible. Highlight key words for speedy retrieval/pinpointing of required information.","Runnymede Junior and Senior School","Toronto District School Board","2011-12-06 20:25" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot",,,"The supervisor can call and speak in person more frequently.","Monsignor Percy Johnson CSS","TCDSB","2011-12-06 20:57" ,"No",,,"Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions",,,,"aldergrove p.s.","york region","2011-12-06 21:30" ,"Yes","Usually","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Very useful","Very useful","Yes","Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"Dante Alighieri","TCDSB","2011-12-06 21:33" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Always","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content","convenience; helps me plan lessons connected to course content",,,"Bayview Hill E. S. ","YRDSB","2011-12-06 22:39" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Not useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,,,"2011-12-07 06:18" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Always","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions",,,,"Maple Leaf P.S.","TDSB","2011-12-07 07:04" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"Lord dufferin","TDSB","2011-12-07 07:35" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","No","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Access to responses to common questions","I have been a mentor teacher for well over ten years now with several Universities. While I haven't required a lot of what has been sent out, it definitely would have been an asset years ago when I first became a mentor teacher. That being said, I appreciate the fact that I know should I have a situation arise, the information is there for me to peruse.","None",,"Sprucecourt Junior","TDSB","2011-12-07 07:39" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Very useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,"The time it takes to read everything online can be daunting, especially when you have a challenging class.",,"St. Dominic Savio","TCDSB","2011-12-07 07:56" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to responses to common questions","In my case I find that most questions are answered there, so it saves me time as I don't have to try to contact anybody.","None really. ",,"Weston Memeorial Jr.","TDSB","2011-12-07 08:12" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Very useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,"Winchester Jr Sr P.S.","TDSB","2011-12-07 08:15" ,"Yes","Usually","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"St. Mary's Catholic Secondary school","TCDSB","2011-12-07 08:17" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Always","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions","I just really liked having the big picture regarding my TC's programme and expectations. I enabled me to put all things into an appropriate perspective.",,,"Bowmore P.S.","TDSB","2011-12-07 08:33" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","No","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"Lord Dufferin","TDSB","2011-12-07 08:36" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"Trillium Woods Public School","York Region","2011-12-07 09:16" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Always","Yes","Always","I don't know what these are","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,"St. Theresa of Lisieux CHS","York Catholic District School Board","2011-12-07 09:26" ,"Yes","Usually","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Rarely","No","Usually","Not useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot",,"too much to read","shorter communications more to the point and only include the most important info","Bayview Hill","York Region","2011-12-07 09:29" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Always","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","No","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions",,,,"Dante Alighieri Academy","TCDSB","2011-12-07 09:35" ,"Yes","Always","Not Sure","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Access to responses to common questions",,,,,,"2011-12-07 10:52" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","No","Ease of access to MTRR, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions",,,"I think I would like to meet with the York site co-ordinators and listen to their expectations, thoughts and timelines. Sometimes, I forget to check the webcasts/news or i am too busy to go back and listen to the webcasts.","Msgr. P. Johnson Catholic Secondary School","TCDSB","2011-12-07 10:58" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions",,"n/a",,"Weston Memorial JPS","TDSB","2011-12-07 11:02" ,"Yes","Usually","Not Sure","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to responses to common questions",,,,"St. Boniface","TCDSB","2011-12-07 11:45" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Always","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"Humber Summit Middle School","Toronto District School Board","2011-12-07 12:12" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions","Great to know it is there if needed. I never deleted them til several weeks later.","Time. Just not enough time. I am familiar with having a student teacher adn ahve found that the material was mostly what I laready knew so it became a lower priority to check it.",,"Regent Park Duke of York ","TDSB","2011-12-07 13:00" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Always","I don't know what these are","I don't know what these are","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"William G. Miller","T.D.S.B.","2011-12-07 13:47" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely",,"Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,"it's nice that it's there, but i am not making a lot of use of the weekly emails...too much to read.","michael power/st. joseph","tcdsb","2011-12-07 14:26" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Easy access to needed forms, Access to responses to common questions",,,,,,"2011-12-07 14:55" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Very useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot",,"Sometimes short on time to really use it. When I did I thought it was worthwhile.",,"Fieldcrest E.S.","Simcoe Distrit School Board","2011-12-07 15:19" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,"Especially at the beginning,these e-mails looked dauntingly long and tedious to read. ","I found the once a week model a little confusing for the TC, who never experienced a lesson or project from beginning to end.","William G. Miller Jr. P. S.","T.D.S.B.","2011-12-07 16:09" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,"Macdonald ","tdsb","2011-12-07 16:18" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Rarely","Not useful","Somewhat useful","No","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,"Bayview Hill Elementary School","York Region District School Board","2011-12-07 16:24" ,"Yes","Usually","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Always","Yes","Usually","Very useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations",,"At some point it would be nice to speak to a real person. ",,"Algonquin Ridge Elementary School","Simcoe County District School Board","2011-12-07 16:40" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"Wset Prep P.S.","TDSB","2011-12-07 17:24" ,"Yes",,"The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Always","Very useful","Very useful",,"Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,"St. Ursula School","Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board","2011-12-07 17:53" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,"Humber Valley Village JMS","Toronto District School Board","2011-12-07 18:12" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Always","Very useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Access to a summary of practicum course content","It helps the MT understand better his/her role.",,,"Blessed Pope John Paul II","TCDSB","2011-12-07 18:30" ,"No","Usually","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions","communication is always key","none ","the final summary report could perhaps be re-formated","Hiicrest ","Simcoe County District Public School","2011-12-07 19:01" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Always","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,"Brebeuf","TCDSB","2011-12-07 19:10" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms","I love it that it's online and that I don't have to go 'find the binder' -- searchable too.","none really, though I have to admit that sometimes it feels a bit overwhelming -- like I'm shirking my responsibilities if I don't get to them. In fact, I answered the way I did about the podcasts as I just haven't taken the time to watch them, but that wasn't really an option to check.","I would really like the students to learn earlier in their practicum about assessment and evaluation, as realistically all our planning is done with this in mind and I find that they plan without really thinking of a model for assessment and evaluation.","Blake Street Jr. Public","TDSB","2011-12-07 19:19" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Always",,,"Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content","MTRR is a very useful tool providing MTs updated information regarding both TCs and MTs responsibilities. One of the best feature of this tool is its accessiblity and of course not using any papers.","There are no disadvantages in using the MTRR. ",,"Weston Collegiate Institute","Toronto District School Board","2011-12-07 19:41" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","Not useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions",,,,"St. Ursula","DPCDSB","2011-12-07 21:04" ,"Yes","Usually","Not Sure","No","Rarely","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","No","Ease of access to MTRR, Resources located in one central spot",,,,"Military Trail Public School","Toronto District School Board","2011-12-07 22:02" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Always","Very useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions",,"None",,"St.Stephen CES","YCDSB","2011-12-08 01:18" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk","not really except that it is easy to connet with the faculty office","there is a lot of paper work. It seems the focus is on procedure rather than actual lesson","I think the MTRR works well as a communication model. What I would like to improve is that the student teacher be in the school for a complete 3 week block so that a complete unit can be prepared and completed. ","St. Patrick Catholic SS","TCDSB","2011-12-08 07:07" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Resources located in one central spot, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,"North Albion CI","TDSB","2011-12-08 08:58" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,"St. Dominic Savio School","TCDSB","2011-12-08 09:49" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely",,"Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,"No disadvantages as such, just a lack of time to access and read all the information.",,"Martingrove C.I.","Toronto District School Board","2011-12-08 12:56" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","No","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","No","Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms",,,"I just don't have enough time in the day to read/listen to it all. Point form options of the mentor minutes with the learning goal(s) would be my preference to get the information.","Stephen Lewis Secondary School","York Region District School Board","2011-12-08 13:43" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are",,"Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content","Very straightforward, all relevant information is posted",,,"Elia Middle School","Toronto District School Board","2011-12-08 14:49" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,"None","A very effective communication tool.","Avondale Alternative Elementary School","TDSB","2011-12-08 15:45" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","No",,,,"perhaps giving each email out a title or the theme of the week",,,"2011-12-08 17:21" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Resources located in one central spot, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk","It is sent on a consistent schedule.","It is only accessible with an internet connection and living on residence, the connection is not always available.","The resources that are available online need to be talked about during the placement seminars. I feel that more clarification is required and there needs to be more communication in general between the TC's and their seminar leader.","Emery C.I.","Toronto District School Board","2011-12-08 19:39" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions",,,,"Emery Collegiate Institute","Toronto District School Board","2011-12-08 19:41" ,"No","Usually","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms",,"I need to have access to a computer. i prefer a handbook that I can carry around with me to reference.",,,,"2011-12-08 20:42" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,"Lorne Park Public School","Peel D.S.B.","2011-12-08 20:50" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Not useful","Not useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Easy access to needed forms",,"I would still rather get the whole package that is needed the old fashioned way as I do not have time to go online and checking it out ...I 'd rather sit on the couch and read it the old fashioned way so maybe you need to send one in paper format and other one online for those who prefer it that way- thanks",,"St. Rita ","DPCDSB","2011-12-08 20:52" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Access to responses to common questions",,,,"Elia Midddle School","TDSB","2011-12-08 21:10" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","No","Usually","Not useful","Somewhat useful","No","Ease of access to MTRR, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,,,"2011-12-08 21:51" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","No","Usually","Yes","Usually","Not useful","Not useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations",,"Sometimes the emails are a bit overwhelming and difficult to read since so many come at once. ","perhaps a schedule at the beginning of the practicum outlining all the dates when the TC will only be here for a half day, as well as their exam schedule. ","marvin heights public school","peel","2011-12-09 12:02" ,"Yes","Usually","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Rarely","No","Usually",,"Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,"Too many emails with too much information each week or several times per week. Still have not had contact from a live person.",,,"2011-12-09 13:34" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Usually","Not useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations",,"I don't listen to the podcasts but I read the information.",,"St. Joseph Richmond Hill","York Catholic District School Board","2011-12-09 13:54" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Rarely","Not useful","Somewhat useful","No","Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,"Rowntree P.S.","Peel SB","2011-12-09 13:58" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,"As a mentor teacher for 15 years with York and other Faculties, I find that I use the MTRR on an as needed basis. I always read the emails sent by our York seminar leader as they are meant specifically for our staff and teacher candidates. ","Homestead Public School","Peel District School Board","2011-12-09 14:36" ,"Yes","Always","Not Sure","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions",,,,"Forest Hill","TDSB","2011-12-09 14:55" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Resources located in one central spot",,,,"Clark Blvd. P.S. ","Peel District School Board","2011-12-09 15:02" ,"Yes","Always","Not Sure","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually",,"Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,"Ossington/Old Orchard PS","TDSB","2011-12-09 15:25" ,"Yes","Usually","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to responses to common questions","None","None","None","Dante Alighieri Academy","TCDSB","2011-12-09 16:04" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Access to responses to common questions",,,,"Trillium Woods P.S.","York Region District","2011-12-09 17:27" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","No","Always","Very useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Resources located in one central spot",,,,"EMERY","TDSB","2011-12-09 19:50" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Always","Very useful","Very useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"forest hill","tdsb","2011-12-10 22:12" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,"Are these podcasts and materials all accessible to candidates? including templates for planning?","St. Padre Pio","ycdsb","2011-12-11 06:26" ,"Yes","Always",,"Yes","Usually","Yes","Always","Very useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,"C R Marchant middle school","TDSB","2011-12-11 09:56" ,"Yes","Always",,"Yes","Usually","Yes","Always","Very useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,"C R Marchant middle school","TDSB","2011-12-11 09:56" ,"Yes","Always",,"Yes","Usually","Yes","Always","Very useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,"C R Marchant middle school","TDSB","2011-12-11 09:56" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms",,,,,,"2011-12-11 12:23" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","No","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations",,"Documents were sometimes refered to, that I had no idea how to obtain or what was being refered to.","Sending the e-mail on Monday was not the best day for me. Thursday or friday would have worked better when I had more time on the weekend to give it more of my attention.","Zareinu Educational Centre","Private","2011-12-11 14:29" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Always","Very useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,"Marvin Heights P.S.","Peel District School Board","2011-12-11 19:33" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions",,,,,,"2011-12-11 20:09" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Aurora Grove P.S.","YRDSB","2011-12-11 20:10" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Not useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,"Put a calendar- so hard for us to keep up with when they have class, then they don't, they then have a special speaker and arn't coming- very much of a dissadvantage to them, us and the students with the inconsistencies of the block- Give them a one month solid, uninterrupted block like other places. also- I don't like the evaluation form. Queens has a great model- check marks AND comment bank. Oise also has a checklist for the interim feedback which I think would be a useful model for half-way check point in the block.","direct email to and from the profs would be appreciated rather than through the YRDSB person so I can write back with my questions and get direct answers","Pierre Elliott Trudeau HS","YRDSB","2011-12-11 21:33" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms","Good reminders of where the TCs are at","Can take a lot of time to listen to podcasts.",,"Etobicoke CI","TDSB","2011-12-12 09:03" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","No","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Very useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms","I think all of the above is very useful for both seasoned teachers and new teacher mentors.","N/A",,"Markville SS","York Region District School Board","2011-12-12 11:52" ,"Yes","Always","Not Sure","Yes","Usually","Yes","Always","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to responses to common questions",,"Could not find a sample of how to fill in the TC's evaluation",,"St. Valentine","Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board","2011-12-12 15:34" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,,,"2011-12-12 15:47" ,"No",,,"Yes",,,,,,,,,,"All I have received is an update about third year teacher evaluations...nothing else.","Central Park Public","York Region District","2011-12-12 15:47" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Always","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,"I would like to see a timetable outlining the expected teaching requirements through the year identified along with the appropriate times for evaluation lessons and the dates of the York in-class sessions laid out in 1 document.","Aurora Grove Public School","York Region District School Board","2011-12-12 16:01" ,"Yes","Always","Not Sure","Yes","Usually","Yes","Always","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to responses to common questions","constant communication is very helpful","I try to read as much as possible the information provided.",,"Loretto Abbey C.S.S","TCDSB","2011-12-12 16:26" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk","I think it's great!","It is somewhat time consuming, but I still think that it is beneficial.","Keep up the great work!","Pelmo Park P.S.","TDSB","2011-12-12 21:35" ,"No","Rarely","Not Sure",,"Rarely","No","Rarely","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","No","Clarification of practicum expectations, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions","not sure","not yet",,"Bendale BTI","TDSB","2011-12-12 23:01" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,"St. Joseph's School","Durham Catholic District School Board","2011-12-13 07:29" ,"Yes","Usually","Not Sure","Yes","Rarely","No","Rarely","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes",,,"too many emails being sent- not sure of what is important and what is not.","less emails",,,"2011-12-13 09:22" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner",,"Usually","Yes","Usually","Not useful","Somewhat useful",,"Clarification of practicum expectations",,,,"metro andei","dpcdsb","2011-12-13 11:14" ,"Yes",,"The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Always","Very useful","Very useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions",,,,"Topcliff","TDSB","2011-12-13 12:46" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","No","Usually","Somewhat useful","Very useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions","Feel that we have access to very current material.","Though available, not able to access them before the TCs arrive. I usually do it at a time that is convenient to me and it's usually afte the TC has visited for that week.","post the information either on the Monday before or the week before so we can have a time to read it before the visit by the TC","Wm. G. Miller P.S.","Toronto District School Board","2011-12-13 13:44" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","No","Rarely","No","Rarely","I don't know what these are","Not useful","No",,,"I just don't have time to read it/go through it. I felt overwhelmed by the amount of emails, and did not have time to wade through what was relevant/important. ","I am very frustrated this year with how unclear TCs are about their assignments/expectations from York. I find that I am spending time clarifying assignments for my TC, which I don't feel is my responsibility. Also, I feel that I have not been given enough information about evaluating my TC. In the past I received a hard copy handbook that went through the evaluation protocol, and included sample reports, etc. I did not receive that this year. Although it may have been sent online, I would still prefer to have a hard copy. ","Blake St. P.S.","TDSB","2011-12-13 14:30" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,,,"Yorkhill Elementary School","YRDSB","2011-12-14 18:48" ,"Yes","Usually","Not Sure","No","Usually","No","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","No","Clarification of practicum expectations",,"Much prefer a concrete form of correspodence and a real human being with human contact and voice. A persoal touch or booklet that clarifies expectations would help.",,"St. Joseph Richmond Hill","Y.C.D.S.B.","2011-12-14 22:23" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions","Consistent and clear communication. Jackie is always available on e-nail and prompt with responses.","None",,"Bloordale MS","TDSB","2011-12-15 11:25" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually",,"Very useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,,,"2011-12-15 13:52" ,"Yes","Usually","Not Sure","Yes","Rarely","No","Usually","Not useful","Not useful","No",,,,,,,"2011-12-17 09:18" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Always","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"Oakdale Park Middle School","TDSB","2011-12-17 18:09" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Usually","Yes","Usually","I don't know what these are","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions, Access to materials to support TCs at risk",,,,,,"2011-12-18 15:19" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Resources located in one central spot","no","none","none","St.Joseph R.H.","york district catholic ","2011-12-19 09:45" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Resources located in one central spot","no","none","none","St.Joseph R.H.","york district catholic ","2011-12-19 09:45" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Rarely","Yes",,"Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms",,,,,,"2011-12-27 11:06" ,"Yes","Usually","The York Practicum Partner","No","Rarely","Yes","Rarely","Not useful","Not useful","No","Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content",,"Time! I don't have the time to access and read/listen to them. I would like to, but as a teacher in a busy school, I am left with little time for myself and family. ","I rely heavily on my TC to relay information to me. I am very lucky that the TC is very organized, thorough,and responsible. There is little to no contact with the York Practicum Partner and would appreciate more than just a weekly link as a form of communication. ",,"YCDSB","2012-01-05 12:27" ,"Yes","Always","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Rarely","Yes","Usually","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Easy access to needed forms",,,,"Westview Centennial SS","TDSB","2012-01-05 13:55" ,"Yes","Always","The York Practicum Partner","Yes","Usually","Yes","Always","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","Yes","Ease of access to MTRR, Clarification of practicum expectations, Resources located in one central spot, Easy access to needed forms, Access to a summary of practicum course content, Access to responses to common questions","#1 Convenience","n/a",,"Forest Hill Jr. & Sr. PS","TDSB","2012-01-16 21:52" ,"No","Usually","The Site Coordinator ","No","Rarely","No","Rarely","Somewhat useful","Somewhat useful","No",,"ebXAu7 phzllcddeiqj, [url=http://xqaennsbrptu.com/]xqaennsbrptu[/url], [link=http://lzktjpumkaxe.com/]lzktjpumkaxe[/link], http://scxnhsadpzqh.com/","ebXAu7 phzllcddeiqj, [url=http://xqaennsbrptu.com/]xqaennsbrptu[/url], [link=http://lzktjpumkaxe.com/]lzktjpumkaxe[/link], http://scxnhsadpzqh.com/","ebXAu7 phzllcddeiqj, [url=http://xqaennsbrptu.com/]xqaennsbrptu[/url], [link=http://lzktjpumkaxe.com/]lzktjpumkaxe[/link], http://scxnhsadpzqh.com/","vLH7ZQ","wlmgOv","2022-01-27 01:21" ,"No","Rarely","The Site Coordinator ","No","Rarely","Yes","Rarely","Not useful","Somewhat useful","No",,"gpzEht bxqvgmsszrfa, [url=http://wvwjmolxurjm.com/]wvwjmolxurjm[/url], [link=http://vspeizdzltxl.com/]vspeizdzltxl[/link], http://mtyasihapgca.com/","gpzEht bxqvgmsszrfa, [url=http://wvwjmolxurjm.com/]wvwjmolxurjm[/url], [link=http://vspeizdzltxl.com/]vspeizdzltxl[/link], http://mtyasihapgca.com/","gpzEht bxqvgmsszrfa, [url=http://wvwjmolxurjm.com/]wvwjmolxurjm[/url], [link=http://vspeizdzltxl.com/]vspeizdzltxl[/link], http://mtyasihapgca.com/","jqjedf","2OAc7d","2022-05-15 07:05" ,"No","Usually","The Site Coordinator ","Yes","Rarely","No","Rarely","Somewhat useful","Not useful","No",,"RESXqr zhsanvacuhnz, [url=http://jsfilblzxsti.com/]jsfilblzxsti[/url], [link=http://nnjnmhlhjuxi.com/]nnjnmhlhjuxi[/link], http://udjazpkrcvbo.com/","RESXqr zhsanvacuhnz, [url=http://jsfilblzxsti.com/]jsfilblzxsti[/url], [link=http://nnjnmhlhjuxi.com/]nnjnmhlhjuxi[/link], http://udjazpkrcvbo.com/","RESXqr zhsanvacuhnz, [url=http://jsfilblzxsti.com/]jsfilblzxsti[/url], [link=http://nnjnmhlhjuxi.com/]nnjnmhlhjuxi[/link], http://udjazpkrcvbo.com/","fLRnKt","PNKF8V","2022-07-16 17:36"