"Please help us assess the effectiveness of our library instruction program by taking a few minutes to answer the following questions. Your responses will be used to improve our instruction program. You do not need to write your name so your responses will be kept confidential. Thank you.","How much of the material taught in this library session was new to you?","The examples and handouts were appropriate for my information needs for this course","As a result of this session I feel I am better prepared for work in other classes","What did you think of the quantity of information provided in this session?","The overall quality of the library session given to my class was:","What I found most useful about this session was:","I would have liked to learn more about:","What could be done to ensure a better session next time?","Any other comments?",Datetime ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Just Right","Excellent",,,"make students to go through the actual e0lib process",,"2011-02-23 14:54" ,"A little bit new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Just Right","Excellent","scholarly articles shown through yorku.ca also books related to the course ",,,,"2011-02-23 14:56" ,"Somewhat new","Agree","Neither agree nor disagree","Just Right","Good","resources specifically for business","specific research for my company","more focus on the specific project - some info was irrelevant",,"2011-02-23 14:57" ,"Mostly new","Agree","Agree","Just Right","Good","using the library resource as a portal to other information systems",,,,"2011-02-23 14:58" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent",,,,,"2011-02-23 14:59" ,"Everything new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent",,,,,"2011-02-23 14:59" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","all the examples of websites where I can find information","effective search",,"lovely way of presenting the material. great energy and motivation","2011-02-23 15:00" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","all info",,"more time","excellent!","2011-02-23 15:01" ,"A little bit new","Agree","Neither agree nor disagree","Just Right","Good",,,,,"2011-02-23 15:01" ,"Everything new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Too Much","Excellent","the names and access to the various resources I never knew about. is this where my tuition money is going? I wish I heard about it 2 years ago.","I learned a lot. The librarian was very knowledgeable.","more applicable searches/demonstration of what I'm doing research on","would have been more useful if it wasn't after an hour long presentation with no break.","2011-02-23 15:04" ,"Somewhat new","Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Good","the different websites","my company, specifically","longer session",,"2011-02-23 15:05" ,"Mostly new","Agree","Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","www.interbrand.com",,,,"2011-02-23 15:06" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Just Right","Excellent","just found out how useful that library is and how much resources it provides",,,,"2011-02-23 15:07" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Too Much","Very Good ","examples dealing specifically with marketing",,"slightly more time or less info",,"2011-02-23 15:08" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Too Much","Excellent","research database linked to actual organizations","articles research","more time","excellent presentation very detailed and helpful thanks","2011-02-23 15:10" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent",,,,,"2011-02-23 15:10" ,"A little bit new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","databases",,,,"2011-02-23 15:11" ,"A little bit new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","the wealth of databases available for business students","nothing","nothing","everything went perfectly great presentation straight to the point","2011-02-23 15:12" ,"A little bit new","Neither agree nor disagree","Neither agree nor disagree","Too Much","Very Good ","a few databases that I have not heard of","less about databases, more about actually finding data","shorter and more focused, less on wide ranges of databases","as young students, technology and working with computers come naturally and can be very easily figured out. we do not need to know the basics that are taught over and over","2011-02-23 16:34" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent",,,,,"2011-02-24 09:46" ,"Everything new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Too Much","Very Good ",,,,,"2011-02-24 09:47" ,"A little bit new","Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent",,,,,"2011-02-24 09:47" ,"Somewhat new","Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","good info",,,,"2011-02-24 09:49" ,"Somewhat new","Neither agree nor disagree","Neither agree nor disagree","Just Right","Good","informative and relevant towards applied marketing strategy",,,,"2011-02-24 09:50" ,"A little bit new","Neither agree nor disagree","Agree","Just Right","Good","good research tools",,,"good presentation","2011-02-24 09:51" ,"Somewhat new","Agree","Agree","Too Much","Very Good ","good info","marketing specific info","more time, spread out info",,"2011-02-24 10:03" ,"Somewhat new","Agree","Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","how to specify what to look for","business section of books that would provide more marketing techniques/prices","slides condensed for handout",,"2011-02-24 10:06" ,"Everything new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","business sources and where to access","everything is good","more time",,"2011-02-24 10:07" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","the databases available information presented",,"everything was fine","good job","2011-02-24 10:08" ,"Nothing new","Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Fair","that how can narrow up through the exact info that I need what kind of information that would be necessary for the project where to go to find that demographics that I n eed",,,,"2011-02-24 10:13" ,"Mostly new","Agree","Neither agree nor disagree","Too Much","Excellent",,,,,"2011-02-24 10:16" ,"Somewhat new","Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","the resources",,,,"2011-02-24 10:17" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Too Much","Very Good ","intro to the library website","how to sign out books from the library","decreasing the length so everyone can pay attention","shorter","2011-02-24 10:18" ,"A little bit new","Disagree","Neither agree nor disagree","Just Right","Good",,,,,"2011-02-24 10:19" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","the databases",,,,"2011-02-24 10:19" ,"A little bit new","Agree","Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","examples of articles based on topic","search engines more specific for my topic","further assisting/finding information for my topic",,"2011-02-24 10:20" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Too Much","Very Good ","the Canadian demographics website looks very helpful",,"less information","boring","2011-02-24 10:22" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Too Much","Good",,,,,"2011-02-24 10:24" ,"Everything new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","available resources","everything","longer sessions","good presentation","2011-02-24 10:25" ,"Mostly new","Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent",,,,,"2011-02-24 10:26" ,"Mostly new","Neither agree nor disagree","Agree","Too Much","Very Good ","link to slideshow","in person help","video aid","new spice=awesome","2011-02-24 10:29" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Just Right","Excellent","understanding searches",,,,"2011-02-24 10:30" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Too Much","Excellent",,,,,"2011-02-24 10:30" ,"Everything new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","all the sources for research","investors Group","more time and more examples","great!","2011-02-24 10:31" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right",,"the practical examples shown by Toni making it relevant","the learning was comprehensive",,,"2011-02-24 10:32" ,"Mostly new","Agree","Neither agree nor disagree","Just Right","Very Good ",,,,,"2011-02-24 10:32" ,"Everything new","Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Very Good ",,,,,"2011-02-24 10:33" ,"A little bit new","Neither agree nor disagree","Neither agree nor disagree","Too Much","Fair","database information","new methods of research, new types of data ( videos, photos etc)","shorter presentation","too repetitive ( of itself and other research presentations)","2011-02-24 11:03" ,"Mostly new","Agree","Strongly Agree","Too Much","Excellent",,,,,"2011-02-24 11:15" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","Toni is excellent at emphasizing important parts of research that is relevant to our course!","I think the info covered did cover most of everything I need to know","I think Toni did great just as is the info was good and I think her background research before the presentation is the cause of her good presentation.","I think this presentation should be mandatory for all first year courses for 1st year students to benefit from. the problem is we are finding out too late about such resources. ","2011-02-24 11:21" ,"Mostly new","Disagree","Agree","Too Much","Very Good ","research places","if the information one is looking up is accessible by public","it was a good session","thank you - I learned a lot of new things","2011-02-24 11:23" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Too Much","Excellent","search techniques","more time",,,"2011-02-24 11:24"