"Please help us assess the effectiveness of our library instruction program by taking a few minutes to answer the following questions. Your responses will be used to improve our instruction program. You do not need to write your name so your responses will be kept confidential. Thank you.","How much of the material taught in this library session was new to you?","The examples and handouts were appropriate for my information needs for this course","As a result of this session I feel I am better prepared for work in other classes","What did you think of the quantity of information provided in this session?","The overall quality of the library session given to my class was:","What I found most useful about this session was:","I would have liked to learn more about:","What could be done to ensure a better session next time?","Any other comments?",Datetime ,"Mostly new","Agree","Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","the variety of resources I wasn't aware of before",,,,"2011-02-24 14:20" ,"Mostly new","Agree","Agree","Just Right","Excellent","the in-depth explanation on some of the key websites rather than just showing us briefly","everything was informative","everything was amazing!",,"2011-02-24 14:22" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Too Much","Excellent","the number of resources related to this course",,"avoid extremely basic demonstrations /questions. for example not asking the difference between a public and private company. Everyone attending Schulich knows the difference. And spend the time demonstrating examples on databases.",,"2011-02-24 14:24" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","I learned about a number of new resources which I haven't used before.",,"a bit more time would be nice",,"2011-02-24 14:26" ,"Somewhat new","Neither agree nor disagree","Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","new market research databases",,"it's good!",,"2011-02-24 14:29" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Too Much","Very Good ","explanation of what the sources gives you",,"categorize the databases into specific sections for better organization",,"2011-02-24 14:31" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","the variety of websites which were very appropriately directed to this and other marketing courses",,"provide a list of the websites with small descriptions of what they could be best used for","love the end video","2011-02-24 14:32" ,"Somewhat new","Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","the different databases citation resources for specific databases",,,"good","2011-02-24 14:34" ,"Somewhat new","Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","all the databases (some were new)","nothing. it was informative","it was good","liked the videos","2011-02-24 14:35" ,"Mostly new","Agree","Agree","Just Right","Good","marketing websites such as Marketline",,,,"2011-02-24 14:36" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Too Much","Excellent","seeing the websites and having a librarian show you exactly where to go",,,,"2011-02-24 14:37" ,"A little bit new","Strongly Agree","Neither agree nor disagree","Too Much","Good","the new database was useful",,,,"2011-02-24 14:37" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","the access to the databases",,,,"2011-02-24 14:39" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","how to use the databases more effectively love the new feature where these slides are online","nothing in particular. it was great","less examples. we can cover the examples if they are already on slides offered on library course website.",,"2011-02-24 14:41" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","database I never knew wonna search more",,,,"2011-02-24 14:46" ,"Everything new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Too Much","Excellent","all the useful databases",,,,"2011-02-24 14:46" ,"Mostly new","Neither agree nor disagree","Neither agree nor disagree","Just Right","Very Good ","GMID. that Sustainalytics site blew my mind. it was mind blasting.",,"I'm not sure","nope","2011-02-24 14:47" ,"Everything new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Just Right","Excellent",,,,,"2011-02-24 14:48" ,"Everything new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent",,,,,"2011-02-24 14:48" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","the Sustainalytics website","did some examples we chose",,,"2011-02-24 14:49" ,"Somewhat new","Agree","Strongly Agree","Too Much","Very Good ","the new databases Toni presented to us the books she showed us relevant to CSR assignment and assignment 3","Sustainalytics! Toni Olshen - more about her history, introduction","more than one session more youtube videos more handouts","good stuff!!!","2011-02-24 14:52" ,"Everything new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","all the webpage links",,,,"2011-02-24 14:53" ,"Mostly new","Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","knowing the online databases and how to really make the most use of them",,"shorter/ loses my attention",,"2011-02-24 14:54" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Just Right","Excellent",,,,"thank you!","2011-02-24 14:55" ,"Mostly new","Agree","Strongly Agree","Too Much","Excellent",,,,,"2011-02-24 14:57" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Too Much","Very Good ","the citation guides on the library website",,"make it shorter!","a very interesting library session","2011-02-24 15:04" ,"Somewhat new","Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","everything",,,,"2011-02-24 15:05" ,"Somewhat new","Agree","Agree","Too Much","Good","news of certain databases goo overall macroscale",,"get to the point faster","we know databases are expensive but remember that we pay for it through our tuition we know a lot we're business students been here for 4 years ie public vs private, why companies have a website - feels like you think we know nothing","2011-02-24 15:08" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","the videos",,,,"2011-02-24 15:09" ,"Somewhat new","Neither agree nor disagree","Neither agree nor disagree","Just Right","Good","use of Mergent and Investext",,"understand the level of knowledge students already possess of use of resources to insure minimum repetition of facts gained over 4 years",,"2011-02-24 15:11" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","good to see how to use sources properly, how to improve my search, and new databases to use","I feel as though I got what I needed.",,"very helpful, nice to have the course guide","2011-02-24 15:12" ,"Somewhat new","Agree","Agree","Just Right","Good","good reminder of resources we have access to and introduction especially for market research resources","nothing comes to mind","even more class involvement would be interesting -say class exercises online","noting comes to mind but a good presentation!","2011-02-24 15:14" ,"Somewhat new","Agree","Agree","Just Right","Excellent","some good review of searching tips ( and refresher) some very useful links","nothing comes to mind","nothing comes to mind","good presentation","2011-02-24 15:15" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","online resources",,,,"2011-02-24 15:19" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","marketing specific resources",,,,"2011-02-24 15:20" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Too Little","Very Good ","learning about the Market Share Reporter and Best Customer books","Sustainalytics","perhaps some interaction","I enjoyed it","2011-02-24 15:21" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","some of the new databases like Sustainalytics","some print journals available",,"great job!","2011-02-24 15:22" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","learning about course website (guide just for our class) learning about Marketline and other sites with significant company information","ebooks","ask questions and students need to find the answer by searching a database (ex. how many residents of Bowmanville drive to work?- would have to use Stats Can good way to make it interactive and learn to search","engaging speaker - clearly likes the subject matter","2011-02-24 15:25" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","I had a vague idea of the references available but after the session I am confident that I can utilize them better.",,,,"2011-02-24 15:28" ,"A little bit new","Agree","Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","example walkthroughs",,"a list of all available resources",,"2011-02-24 15:29" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent",,,,,"2011-02-24 15:29" ,"A little bit new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Too Much","Excellent","the online databases",,,"provide the sessions to 1st year classes because I only found these this year","2011-02-24 15:30" ,"Somewhat new","Neither agree nor disagree","Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","the csr links I didn't know about",,"more interactive? maybe we can ""click along""","thank you!","2011-02-24 15:32" ,"Somewhat new","Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","some of the market share links","footnoting and bibliography","list of links on handout rather than having us write them down","well done, interactive and interesting overall","2011-02-24 15:33" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","breadth of selection of resources and sites",,,,"2011-02-24 15:34" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","the research sources and how accessible they are",,,,"2011-02-24 15:35" ,"Somewhat new","Agree","Neither agree nor disagree","Just Right","Excellent",,,,,"2011-02-24 15:35" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","the extensive databases available to York students didn't realize these privileges existed!",,,"great examples and interaction with class","2011-02-24 15:36" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","database names for specific projects","the projects in this course","everything was good",,"2011-02-24 15:38" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","helpful for specifics on sites and how to actually use",,,"very thorough and liked the video at the end","2011-02-24 15:39" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","databases and what they contain","how to find databases for different courses","more examples and videos","very enjoyable","2011-02-24 15:58" ,"A little bit new","Strongly Agree","Neither agree nor disagree","Just Right","Very Good ",,,,,"2011-02-24 15:59" ,"Mostly new","Neither agree nor disagree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","overview of the marketing databases I am working on a project and this will be a big help!","happy with session",,"thanks","2011-02-24 16:44" ,"Mostly new","Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","citation help and resources walk through",,,,"2011-02-24 16:45" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","learning about the Sustainalytics website and also Marketline where I can get a SWOT analysis","everything that I wanted to know was covered","I was satisfied",,"2011-02-24 16:46" ,"Somewhat new","Agree","Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","the sources that were discussed",,"have a good example ready",,"2011-02-24 16:47" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","the many sources to use",,,,"2011-02-24 16:48" ,"A little bit new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","finding information specific to marketing, mkgt 4550, companies, industries, brands, consumers etc",,,,"2011-02-24 16:49" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Just Right","Excellent","the sources that are available to us and the awareness created about",,,,"2011-02-24 16:50" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","the useful links and how to access them",,,,"2011-02-24 16:52" ,"Somewhat new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","demographic and csr info",,,,"2011-02-24 16:53" ,"A little bit new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Too Much","Very Good ",,,,,"2011-02-24 16:54" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","the links",,,,"2011-02-24 16:54" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Just Right","Excellent","the links to website reports","all info I could need","nothing",,"2011-02-24 16:55" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Just Right","Very Good ","marketing related databases",,,,"2011-02-24 16:57" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Neither agree nor disagree","Too Much","Very Good ",,,,,"2011-03-03 09:41" ,"Everything new","Strongly Agree","Agree","Just Right","Excellent","GMID",,"a little shorter presentation",,"2011-03-03 09:41" ,"Mostly new","Strongly Agree","Strongly Agree","Too Much","Excellent","learning about the valuable resources available for marketing research",,"more concise information and mmore organized presentation of the various resources ( ex: ensuring students know which websites correspond to which category of desired infro such as advertising research)",,"2011-03-03 09:44" ,"Mostly new","Agree","Neither agree nor disagree","Too Much","Very Good ","there was a lot of info on some good research databases",,,,"2011-03-03 09:45"