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MTRR - MT Interim Survey

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This year the Faculty of Education has been piloting the Mentor Teacher Resource Room (MTRR) as part of a project in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. The purpose of the resource is to better support the role of the Mentor Teacher.

Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions so that we might gain some insight into the project’s effectiveness to date. At the end of the year we will be conducting another survey as well as a series of focus group interviews to evaluate the overall success of the project.
1. Have you been receiving regular (weekly) email messages with links to the MTRR?

2. Are the links working properly?

3. Who sends the message?

4. Are you also regularly informed about information such as responsibilities, school visits and other important practicum material from your York Practicum Partner?

5. How often do you read/listen to the MTRR material?

6. Are the MTRR messages posted at a time in the week when they are most useful?

7. Is the content of the material relevant?

8. How useful are Mentoring Minutes (podcasts)?

9. How useful are the Mentor Teacher Updates?

10. Is the MTRR supporting your interactions with your Teacher Candidate?

11. What do you find useful about this model? (Check as many as applicable)

12. Are there any additional benefits?

13. What disadvantages have you encountered in using the MTRR?

14. Please include any additional suggestions/comments for us to consider as we work to improve the MTRR and the communication model.

15. What is the name of your school?

16. What is the name of your school board?