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Sowk 2050 Mental health final evaluation

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1. * As a part of the evaluation, we would appreciate if you can respond to the following questions. The last five digits of your student numbers will be used to follow changes over a period of time but we will not be able to identify who you are. Your confidentiality and anonymity are ensured.
The Last Five Digits of Your Student Number:
XXXX __ __ __ __ __

For questions 2 to 21, please check one button which best fits your opinion. One indicates “not at all” and 9 indicates “very much” and 2 to 8
indicate degrees between these two responses.
2. * I would feel aggravated by persons with mental illness.

3. * I would feel unsafe around persons with mental illness.

4. * Persons with mental illness terrify me.

5. * How angry do persons with mental illness make you feel?

6. * I think persons with mental illness pose a risk to other people unless they are hospitalized.

7. I feel pity for persons with mental illness.

8. * How controllable do you think mental illnesses are?

9. * How irritated would you feel by a person with mental illness?

10. * How dangerous do you feel a person with mental illness is?

11. * I would feel threatened by a person with mental illness.

12. * How scared of a person with mental illness would you feel?

13. * How likely is it that you would help a person with a mental illness?

14. * How certain do you feel that you would help a person with a mental illness?

15. * How much sympathy would you feel for a person with a mental illness?

16. * How responsible do you think a person with a mental illness is for their present condition?

17. * How frightened of a person with a mental illness would you feel?

18. * How sorry do you feel for persons with a mental illness?

19. * I would try to avoid a person with a mental illness.

20. * How much concern do you feel for a person with mental illness?

21. * If I were a landlord, I probably would rent an apartment to a person with a mental illness.

22. * I have personal experience with mental health issues (myself or families).

23. * I have work/volunteer experience in the mental health field.

24. * What is your gender?

25. How old are you?

For questions 26 through 45, please check the numbered button of the one item that indicates your response.
26. * I am more comfortable helping a person who has a physical illness than I am helping a person who has a mental illness.

27. * If a person with a mental illness complains of physical symptoms (e.g. nausea, back pain or headache), I would likely attribute this to their mental illness.

28. * If a colleague with whom I work told me they had a managed mental illness, I would be as willing to work with him/her.

29. * If I were under treatment for a mental illness I would not disclose this to any of my colleagues.

30. * I would be more inclined to seek help for a mental illness if my treating healthcare provider was NOT associated with my workplace.

31. * I would see myself as weak if I had a mental illness and could NOT fix it myself.

32. * I would be reluctant to seek help if I had a mental illness.

33. * Employers should hire a person with a managed mental illness if he/she is the best person for the job.

34. * I would still go to a physician if I knew that the physician had been treated for a mental illness.

35. * If I had a mental illness, I would tell my friends.

36. * It is the responsibility of health care providers to inspire hope in people with mental illness.

37. * Despite my professional beliefs, I have negative reactions towards people who have mental illness.

38. * There is little I can do to help people with mental illness.

39. * More than half of people with mental illness don’t try hard enough to get better.

40. * People with mental illness seldom pose a risk to the public.

41. * The best treatment for mental illness is medication.

42. * I would NOT want a person with a mental illness, even if it were appropriately managed, to work with children

43. * Healthcare providers do NOT need to be advocates for people with mental illness.

44. * I would NOT mind if a person with a mental illness lived next door to me.

45. * I struggle to feel compassion for a person with a mental illness.

What are your opinions on mental health? For the next 5 questions, please indicate on the scale of 1 to 10 how strongly you agree with the following statements (1 being “not at all” and 10 being “definitely agree”). Please check the numbered box that best fits your opinion.
46. * Mental health problems are common in Canada.

47. * Discrimination stands in the way of recovery.

48. * Most people challenged with mental health issues recover.

49. * Hope plays a central role in recovery.

50. The concept of recovery from a diagnosis with serious mental illness is new to me.

For the next 3 questions please check one button that best fits your opinion.
51. Because of the class increased my confidence in working with people challenged with mental health issues.

52. * The contents of the class needs to be in the BSW program.

53. * Because of the class I might consider practicing in the mental health field.

54. * Which stream were you in when you applied to the School?

Thank you very much!

Disclaimer: Please note, we do not agree with the term “person(s) with a mental illness” or “people with mental illness;” however, these are the tools we need to use this time.