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YUPC (York University Psychology Clinic) Client Feedback

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Thank you for taking some time to provide us with your feedback on our services. This information will help us to ensure that we are providing effective services to our clients.
1. * My satisfaction with my initial telephone contact with YUPC was:

2. * My satisfaction with YUPC counseling has been:

3. My satisfaction with YUPC assessment has been:

4. * My ability to deal with the situation that brought me to the YUPC is:

5. The location & environment where the sessions took place were satisfactory.

6. I would recommend the York University Psychology Clinic to others:

7. What I like best about the YUPC service:

8. A change that the YUPC could consider:

9. If you were dissatisfied with the service you received and would like to discuss, please provide contact information for the YUPC director, Dr. Louise Hartley: (Name, Phone number or email address)