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2013 Pension Fund Board Survey

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Early in 2012, this BoT Governance Self-Assessment survey was done, that asked for feedback from the Pension Trustees regarding the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Trustees and SCIP, meetings and materials, and board dynamics.

Following up on the results of the survey, several changes were implemented:

• Reviewed the number of BoT meetings per year; ultimately decided to remain at 4 meetings per year, but with educational sessions outside of regularly scheduled BoT meetings.
• Developed an Agenda Plan for the next several SCIP and BoT meetings (recently scaled back to include expected agenda items for the next SCIP and BoT meetings in the SCIP report to BoT)
• Quarterly SCIP Reports to BoT include more detailed information on discussions and deliberations at SCIP meetings.
• Addition of In Camera session on all BoT meeting agendas.
• Additional time for BoT to consider recommendations coming from SCIP before they are asked to approve.
• Stand-alone educational sessions on investment concepts and strategies being recommended by SCIP; sessions to take place before BoT is asked to approve something new.
• Instituted limit on number of terms a Trustee can be reappointed to 3, for a maximum total of 9 years.

In keeping with good governance practices, and as discussed at our last meeting, we are committed to regular self-assessment, and accordingly, it is time to repeat the BoT Governance Self-Assessment Survey. This is again an opportunity for all of us to share our opinions and comments, so that we may use our collective perspectives to build on our successes and work on areas we identify for improvement.

The questions here are the same as the first time around, so that direct comparisons can be made with the original results. We will discuss the results of this survey at our next BoT meeting on September 24, 2013. Please be assured that no response will be attributed to individuals. We will review the aggregate scores and the range of scores to the statements below. We will also review all the comments submitted to the open questions, exactly as they are submitted.

Your candid input is important and will enable us to have a fulsome, constructive discussion. I appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete and submit the survey by September 10, 2013.

Once again, thank you in advance for your feedback, insights and wisdom. I look forward to our discussion.

Susan Black
Chair, York University Pension Fund Board of Trustees