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LTS - Faculty Survey Helen

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1. Which of the following best describes your primary role at York University?

2. Which Faculties are you associated with?

3. Which Instructional formats have you taught in the past year?

Face-to-face - “Traditional” lecture format

Web-enhanced - learning is supplemented by web materials, resources or activities.

Blended - a required component of the course is delivered online and the face-to-face time with instructor and students is reduced accordingly. Typically, a course is considered “blended” if the online component varies between 30% and 80% of the total course time. Another term often used interchangeably with blended is ‘hybrid’.

Fully Online - instruction where a course is delivered in a way such that students do not have to physically attend classes.)

Once you have decided on a particular technology that best supports your course learning outcomes, please rate the importance of having the following types of support available to you before classes start.
  Very Important Important N/A Less important Not important
4. Face-to-face training session
5. How-to videos/screencasts
6. Written documentation
7. Online Tutorials
8. Peer collaboration/Communities of practice
Once you have decided on a particular technology that best supports your learning outcome, please rate the importance of having the following types of support available to you while the course is on-going.
  Very Important Important N/A Less important Not important
9. Face-to-face training session
10. Written documentation
11. How to videos/screencasts
12. Online Tutorials
13. In-class support
14. Peer collaboration/Communities of practice
15. Have you taught in a classroom setting recently?