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2014 Kenaidan - York Univeristy Lions Cup Survey

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14th Annual Kenaidan - York University Lions Cup Golf Tournament
Your feedback is greatly appreciated to ensure we run a successful event. Thank you for your time.
1. How would you rate the Lionhead Golf and Country Club for the golf tournament?

2. Other Comments

3. How would you rate the overall registration process for the golf tournament?

4. Other Comments

5. How would you rate the gift at the golf tournament?

6. Other comments

7. How would you rate the live auction?

8. Other comments

9. Are there any items you would like to see included in next year's live auction?

10. How would you rate the dinner station and appetizer set up?

11. If you were a sponsor of the event, how would you rate the level of recognition you received?

12. Other comments

13. If you were not a sponsor, what would entice you to become a sponsor of this golf event?

14. What did you really enjoy at the event?

15. Are there any improvements you feel should be made?