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Study Process Questionnaire Term 1 Soci 1010E

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Effects of Environmental and Pedagogical Changes on Learning Outcomes in First-year Sociology

Principal Investigators: Karen Anderson, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Ros Woodhouse, Associate Professor and Director, Centre for Support of Teaching, York University.

Purpose: The purpose of the research is to determine the effects that both environment and pedagogical approach have on learning outcomes. The study involves no physical or mental risks to you as a participant. You will receive no direct benefit from the study. Indirectly, the research will benefit you, and future students at York University, by helping us to determine optimal combinations of teaching and learning environments, pedagogical approaches and use of technology to best promote student learning in first-year courses.

Confidentiality: Your responses to the questions in this questionnaire will be kept confidential and anonymous. Data will only be reported in aggregate; no individual responses will be reported.

Contact for information about the study:
If you have any questions, or desire further information with respect to this study, you may contact the Principle Investigator, Professor Karen Anderson, 2110 Vari Hall, York University. Professor Anderson can be reached by email at karenand@yorku.ca, and by telephone at 416.736.2100 ex 60304. This research has been reviewed and approved by the HPRC within the context of York University Senate policy on research ethics. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact York University’s Human Participants Review (‘Ethics’) Sub-Committee at 416.736.5505 (research@yorku.ca).

Your continuation on in the survey indicates that you consent to participate in this study.