Approaches to Teaching Inventory - Arts do TEL

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This inventory is designed to explore the way that academics go about teaching in a specific context or subject or course. This may mean that your responses to these items in one context may be different to the responses you might make on your teaching in other contexts or subjects. For this reason we ask you to describe your context.
Please describe the subject/year of your response here.

For each item please select one of the five options (Only rarely, Sometimes, Half the Time, Frequently, Always). Each option stands for the following responses:

Only Rarely - this item was only rarely true for me in this subject.
Sometimes - this item was sometimes true for me in this subject.
Half the Time - this item was true for me about half the time in this subject.
Frequently - this item was frequently true for me in this subject.
Always - this item was almost always true for me in this subject.
Please answer each item. Do not spend a long time on each: your first reaction is probably the best one.
  Only Rarely Sometimes Half the Time Frequently Always
1. I design my teaching in this subject with the assumption that most of the students have very little useful knowledge of the topics to be covered.
2. I feel it is important that this subject should be completely described in terms of specific objectives relating to what students have to know for formal assessment items.
3. In my interactions with students in this subject I try to develop a conversation with them about the topics we are studying.
4. I feel it is important to present a lot of facts to students so that they know what they have to learn for this subject.
5. I feel that the assessment in this subject should be an opportunity for students to reveal their changed conceptual understanding of the subject.
6. I set aside some teaching time so that the students can discuss, among themselves, the difficulties that they encounter studying this subject.
7. In this subject I concentrate on covering the information that might be available from a good textbook.
8. I encourage students to restructure their existing knowledge in terms of the new way of thinking about the subject that they will develop.
9. In teaching sessions for this subject, I use difficult or undefined examples to provoke debate.
10. 1 structure this subject to help students to pass the formal assessment items.
11. I think an important reason for running teaching sessions in this subject is to give students a good set of notes.
12. In this subject, I only provide the students with the information they will need to pass the formal assessments.
13. I feel that I should know the answers to any questions that students may put to me during this subject.
14. I make available opportunities for students in this subject to discuss their changing understanding of the subject.
15. I feel that it is better for students in this subject to generate their own notes rather than always copy mine.
16. I feel a lot of teaching time in this subject should be used to question students' ideas.