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Hiring Procedures Survey

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Section 1: Participation in the Hiring Process
1. In what ways did you participate in the hiring process this year (2006-07)? Check all that apply:

2. Are you:

Section 2: Overall Strengths/Weaknesses

For questions 3-10 below, please check all answers that apply. Please use the space provided for additional comments
3. What were, in your opinion, the greatest strengths of the hiring procedures during this year’s round of hirings?

4. If you have chose “Other” above, please specify:

5. What were, in your opinion, the greatest problems encountered during this year’s round of hirings?

6. If you chose “Other” above, please specify:

7. Sometimes candidates are lost to other departments before offers can be made. How do you think the hiring process could be simplified and/or altered to prevent this?

8. If you chose “Other”, above, please specify:

9. If you didn’t participate in the hiring process, what were the factors/reasons for not participating?

10. If you chose “Other”, above, please specify:

Section 3: Job Talks
11. What was the most important factor that facilitated the success of the job talks?

12. If you chose “Other”, above, please specify

13. What was the most important factor that limited the success of the job talks?

14. If you chose “Other”, above, please specify:

15. If you did not attend all of the job talks, what prevented you from attending more of the talks?

16. If you chose “Other”, above, please specify:

17. If you were unable to attend the talks, did you make an effort to review the audio- or video-taped presentations

18. If you answered “Yes” to the question above, please tell us if you found the recorded presentation helpful or unhelpful and specify why

19. If you answered No to the question above please tell us why you did not review the recorded presentation:

20. Are the job talks an effective way to assess undergraduate teaching capabilities?

21. If you answered No to the question above, please tell us what you believe would be an effective method to assess undergraduate teaching

Section 4: Process
22. What should be done, if anything, to ensure consistent standards across search committees?

23. If you chose “Other”, above, please specify:

24. With regard to the deadline for a completed file, should application materials (e.g. reference letters) be accepted after the posted application deadline?

25. With regard to the deadline for a completed file, should incomplete files be considered by a search committee?

26. With regard to the deadline for a completed file, should search committees have their own discretion to make these decisions?

27. Are changes needed to the conflict of interest policies to address internal candidates’ access to application files and attendance at job talks?

28. If you answered Yes to the question above, please specify:

29. What else can be done to ensure confidentiality during the search process?

30. Please elaborate on any of the above answers:

Section 5: Affirmative Action

The Sociology Department is committed to increasing the diversity of our faculty through the implementation of the affirmative action provisions of the most recent YUFA-York University collective agreement. In addition to adhering to HRDC’s regulations and guidelines, the Search Committee is also cognizable with the Department’s AA objectives that have been pursued in a pro-active way. It has been very successful in recruiting women to our faculty and we are committed to maintaining the gender balance on our faculty. Our broader goal, in conjunction with the YUFA-York University collective agreement, however, is to attain a faculty composition that more closely reflects the multi racial and multi ethnic character of the York University student body, and the region in which York University is located. Thus, the Department Affirmative Action policy encourages the inclusion of structurally disadvantaged groups, which include, but are not limited to, people of colour, Aboriginal/First Nations peoples, and people with disabilities.
31. In your opinion, is the Affirmative Action Plan accomplishing these goals?

32. Please specify the reason for your answer to 31, above

33. If you answered no to question 31, above, how can the Affirmative Action Plan, or the department’s implementation of the plan, be changed to ensure that it accomplishes the department’s goals?

34. If you chose either “b. Strengthen the AA Plan”, or “d. Other”, above, please specify:

6: Additional Comments
35. What are the most crucial changes that should be made to the hiring procedures or the implementation of the procedures?

36. If you chose “Other”, above, please specify:

37. Are there any other aspects of the hiring procedures that have not been identified in this survey and that you feel need to be addressed? If so, what are the and how should they be dealt with?