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Test Library Survey

York University Library
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Please help us assess the effectiveness of our library instruction program by taking a few minutes to answer the following questions. Your responses will be used to improve our instruction program. You do not need to write your name, and your responses will be kept confidential. Thank you.
1. Please select from the list of options provided below the one which applies to you.

2. Have you ever attended a library instruction session at York University before?

3. * Please enter your course code in the box provided below e.g. ADMS2600, PSYC2030 etc.

4. How much of the material taught in this library session was new to you?

5. As a result of this session I now understand the information gathering and research process.

6. The examples and handouts were appropriate for my information needs for this course

7. The session presented sufficient information about available resources for me to begin research for my course assignments

8. As a result of this session I feel I am better prepared for work in other classes

9. The overall quality of the library session given to my class was:

10. What I found most useful about this session was:

11. I would have liked to learn more about:

12. What could be done to ensure a better session next time?

13. Any other comments?

14. How did you find the pace of this session?

15. The library instruction session was:

16. The instructor's approach to the material during the session generated:

17. The amount of hands-on practice provided was sufficient:

18. What did you think of the quantity of information provided in this session?

19. How would you rate your overall enjoyment of this session?

20. The presentation was well organized: