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Mentor Teacher / Site Coordinator Feedback ED/PRAC 4000C 2011

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The purpose of this survey is to gather information about the school based practicum experience. This information will be kept confidential and will be used to improve the Concurrent practicum program. You may exit the survey without your answers being recorded at any time.
1. School (choose one)

2. Your Role (choose one)
Your Role

3. This was my first time working with York Concurrent Teacher Candidates.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree
4. The purpose and goals for the practicum were clearly articulated.
5. I was made aware of the practicum program expectations in the fall.
6. I was made aware of the Teacher Candidate Practicum Evaluation Protocol (TC-PEP).
7. My Seminar Leader/Practicum Supervisor communicated with me regularly (monthly).
8. Information regarding the practicum was communicated clearly.
9. My Seminar Leader/Practicum Supervisor was readily available to answer questions.
10. My Seminar Leader/Practicum Supervisor responded to my questions in a timely manner (within two days).
11. My Seminar Leader/Practicum Supervisor was in the school regularly(minimum of twice a month).
12. My Seminar Leader/Practicum Supervisor made me aware of the dates/times that he/she would be in the school.
13. My Seminar Leader/Practicum Supervisor conferred with me to support Teacher Candidates at risk.