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Workspace Survey - HOME Version

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The following questions refer to your feelings or thoughts about your workspace. Your workspace is the small environment that you are currently working in, and includes the chair and desk, the computer, keyboard and mouse, and the space around you. In this definition of a workspace, we are not interested in the larger room or in similar spaces that may exist, but rather in your personal workspace that you are in right now.
  Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly
1. I have personalized the computer space in a way that reflects who I am.
2. This particular workspace is irrelevant to my performance.
3. This workspace feels more like mine than do other possible workspaces.
4. At this time, I feel I am able to work more efficiently at this workspace than I would if I moved to another.
5. I have put effort into setting up this workspace to help me perform well.
6. This is my workspace.
7. I am more “at home” in this workspace than I would be at other workspaces.
8. I feel a very high degree of personal ownership of this workspace.
9. I believe that I would work as well or better at any other workspace.
10. I feel comfortable and secure in this workspace.
11. I have set up this workspace to be just right for me.
12. If I had to switch computers or move to a different workspace it would take time before I felt as comfortable as I do here.
13. I feel that this workspace is mine.
14. The way the workspace is set up contributes importantly to how I work.
  To a small extent . . . To a great extent
15. The computer space has been personalized in a way that reflects me.
16. I feel my personality is reflected in the way this workspace is configured.
17. The workspace setup reflects a part of who I am.
18. Please enter any comments you may have about the survey or question items in the text box below.

19. While we prefer that you filled this survey out at your home computer, for whatever reason you may have done the survey somewhere else. That's fine. However, we would like to know what kind of workspace you are in now.

20. If you were not in one of the three workspace types above, please describe the workspace here:

21. Please answer this question if you are at your home computer.

Do you share the computer and workspace with others (e.g a family computer) or are you on your own computer that is not regularly used by other people?