Pashto dictionary

Version 1.0, released November 1998

Penzl's glossary is copyright © 1955 American Council of Learned Societies. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

This dictionary contains all of the words from the glossary of Herbert Penzl's A grammar of Pashto: A descriptive study of the dialect of Kandahar, Afghanistan (Washington, DC: American Council of Learned Societies, 1955), pp. 154-165, which is available from Schoenhof's Foreign Books.

The glossary is available in three formats:

If you have Access, you may find that version more useful, since you can restrict searches to specific fields, and click on a pop-up key to the orthography.

Corrections would be gratefully received. Contact:

Taylor Roberts
c/o Prof. Ruth King
Dept. of Languages, Literatures, & Linguistics
South 561 Ross
York University
Toronto ON M3J 1P3
