Media Interviews and Coverage of Research:

2001:USA: Washington Post , New York Times , Los Angeles Times , Bloomberg News , US News & World Report (Washington, DC), Reuters Health, WebMD, India West , India Abroad, National Public Radio (U.S.A.), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (Science Update Radio Broadcast), New Scientist, Scientific American; Canada: Global and Mail, C-B-C National Radio News and Syndication (St. John's, Ottawa, Saint John (NB), Sudbury, Winnipeg, Toronto, Quebec City, Vancouver), CBC International, CTV, Medical Post, HealthScout, Corriere Canadese (Toronto/Italian), Ontario Science Centre, Laboratory Focus magazine; UK: BBC World Service Radio, The Times, Independent, Daily Mail, BioMedNet News (Elsevier Science); Australia: National Public Radio (Australia), Herald Sun (Melbourne); Germany: FOCUS,; Italy: Tempo Medico; Spain: La Vanguardia, (Barcelona), TVE- REDES; France: Liberation (France); Netherlands: NRC Handelsblad; Brazil: Folha de S. Paulo; India: India Times

2000: Intermediair (Netherlands) Fall, 2000; New Scientist Magazine (Cover Story) May 25, 2000

1995: Journal of NIH Research, Nov. 1995, Vol. 7, No. 11


Did you hear the one about the prefrontal cortex? (Nature)

The Times

BBC News | SCI/TECH | The biology of humour

Scientists Dissect Brain's Humor Center

Los Angeles Times Health: Medicine

Nature Neuroscience; Press Releases

Science briefs

Times of India: When a joke hits the spot

Nieuwsselectie: Wetenschap & Onderwijs

The Age: Why we laugh at jokes

Scientists try to get the joke : ICON : News

Why you laugh your head off

February 27, 2001: A Funny Thing About Humor...

U.S. News: Anatomy of a punch line (3/5/01), Where in the Brain Is the Funny Bone?

Issue 3 News in Brain and Behavioral Sciences - Ian Pitchford, Editor

Independent, UK

Telegraph, UK

New Scientist: Comic relief

Why you laugh your head off