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Lauren Millar's Excellent Adventures
Lauren Millar

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    Swimming with a 13-foot tiger shark, exhuming maggot-infested remains, and fleeing the wrath of a spewing volcano, isn't everyone's idea of a job description. But for Lauren Millar (MSW '88) it's all in a day's work. As executive producer, director, writer and host of the documentary series "Journeys with Lauren Millar", Millar is determined to take a few risks to profile the extraordinary work of some unique Canadians.

    "The risks I take as a documentary-maker are minimal in comparison to those of the people we profile with this series," says Millar. "These people are so passionate about what they do, they're prepared to put themselves in very dangerous situations." Despite the risks, Millar travels the world with a 'bare bones' production crew to capture the adventures of Canadians like John Stix and Mark Stastiuk. Both men are vulcanologists investigating an active volcano in the Soufriere Hills, in Montserrat, BWI.

    During filming in July of 1996, the volcano erupted -- the worst blast in Montserrat's history. The massive dump of rock and thick choking ash covered Millar and her crew, turning day into night. "Just for a split second I thought, today I may just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. My second thought was: where's the camera? We have to capture this on tape.

    "The most important thing to me is that the stories I tell are meaningful," says Millar. "The scientists I profile aren't just out for thrills, they're trying to make the world a better place."

    Millar changed career paths in 1988 and believes the interviewing skills and the 'feel for people' she acquired while in social work made her the journalist and documentary-maker she is today. "This is where I want to be," she says.

    "I love being on location in the thick of things and transforming the contributions people are making into a well-told story for all to see." You can see Lauren Millar on "Journeys", Mondays at 9 p.m. on the Discovery channel.

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