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Bad Medicine

HOW COMMITTED is Canada to medical research? Not very, says Bill Leeming.

PILLS As part of his doctoral thesis in sociology, Leeming is looking at biotechnological innovations that have allowed for early screening of hereditary diseases, and the complex issues of how and when genetic testing is used in our health care system.

How would a positive diagnosis affect, say, a parent/child relationship? What would the economic impact be on health insurers? There are some diseases that can be detected years before clinical symptoms show up, but the cost of treatment (at the moment) is prohibitive and controversial.

By studying advances in genetic technology, and how that applies to funding issues, he's hoping to determine the overall implications of high-tech medical science for Canadians and their families. The issue of funding is critical to the future of fundamental medical research in Canada, he insists.

"Government wants researchers to turn to the private sector to support their work, but in a country that does not have a large domestic pharmaceutical or medical device industry that may be unrealistic."

Medicine Illustration: Matthew Mays

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