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Anthony Bucci
Speed Demon

    Accuse Anthony Bucci of spinning his wheels, but that's the way he likes it.

    Bucci (MA'97), who's been a competitive cyclist for the past few years, got the two-wheel bug the old-fashioned way ­ helping out in his uncle's bicycle shop when he was 10. "The world of bikes always fascinated me," he says. "It was something exotic."

    His uncle also heavily influenced his racing career. "He was my role model. He was a national amateur cycling champion in Italy." Now cycling has become more than just a hobby for Bucci. It's part of his life.

    Nevertheless, the English grad's had to cool his spokes for a bit. He's busy putting academics first while he completes the courses he needs to get into the speech pathology program at the University of Toronto.

    A few years ago, Bucci says he only cycled recreationally, but he gradually became more interested in road racing. He says he longs for the time he spent last year in Vancouver teaching English as a second language. "Cycling there is very serious. Unfortunately, sanctioned road races here in Ontario are becoming rarer because of fewer sponsors and lack of funding."

    "I'm a bit of a loner, I guess," he says. "Road racing [unlike track races] allows you more time to be by yourself. There's always a challenge to face. I learn something new about myself every time."

Photos: Nadia Molinari

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