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Leesa Barnes

   "THIS IS my baby," says Leesa Barnes. But instead of holding up a wriggling infant, she points to a computer screen. Her parental pride is focused on her six-month-old on-line magazine,, the Web mag she recently launched dedicated entirely to women's sports and Canada's female athletes.

" is trying to get people to think of sports as another form of femininity," says Barnes (BA'97).

As editor-in-chief, she spends eight hours a day at her computer screen in her east-end bachelor where she surfs the Net for the latest scores and sports news, edits features and writes editorials.

The magazine is still Toronto-centric, but Barnes hopes to connect with other women's sports writers across the country to provide a national perspective.

Though the idea for a Web mag had been simmering in Barnes' mind for months, it wasn't until she connected with the Toronto Webgrrls - an on-line forum for women and technology - that the concept became a reality. Her main motivation for doing the mag was her love of sports. "I didn't like skipping with the girls but I loved playing soccer with the boys. I got in touch with my 'masculine ', side at an early age." (She also played on the York women's basketball team for two years until a knee injury left her on the bench.)

Eventually she says she wants to establish a print version to rival Sports Illustrated for Women.

Her on-line magazine is for anyone interested in women's sports, she says.

"It's not sports feminists. It's"

Photo: Lindsay Lozon

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