library(mvtnorm) library(rgl) source("Filled.contour2.R") # obtain source file from # get the data set and find the estimator ?trees attach(trees) fit <- lm(log(Volume) ~ log(Girth)+ log(Height), x=TRUE) summary(fit) # Sigma Estimate Sigma <- (sd(fit$residuals)*sqrt(30/28))^2*solve(t(fit$x) %*% fit$x ) sqrt(Sigma[1,1]) sqrt(Sigma[2,2]) sqrt(Sigma[3,3]) ################################################################### # estimating the quantile zet2 <- function(x){ v1 = -c(1, log(5), log(50)) v2 = -c(1, log(25), log(50)) v3 = -c(1, log(5), log(100)) v4 = -c(1, log(25), log(100)) max = max((t(x)%*%v1)[1,1], (t(x)%*%v2)[1,1], (t(x)%*%v3)[1,1], (t(x)%*%v4)[1,1]) min = min((t(x)%*%v1)[1,1], (t(x)%*%v2)[1,1], (t(x)%*%v3)[1,1], (t(x)%*%v4)[1,1]) return(list(max=max, min=min)) } nn <- 100000 set.seed(12345) sim <- rmvnorm(n=nn, mean=rep(0,3), sigma=31*Sigma, method="chol") max.sim <- rep(0,nn) for(i in 1:nn) max.sim[i] <- zet2(sim[i,])$max hist(max.sim, col="orange") q <- sort(max.sim)[0.95*nn] ################################################################### # picture of the result x <- seq(5, 25, length.out=100) y <- seq(50, 100, length.out=100) fhat <- outer(x, y) for(i in 1:length(x)){ for(j in 1:length(y)){ fhat[i,j] <- 6.631617-1.982650*log(x[i])-1.117123*log(y[j]) } } c <- -log(30) par(pty="m", mar=c(2.5,2.5,0.5,0.5)) filled.contour2(x, y, fhat, levels=c(min(fhat), c+q/sqrt(31), max(fhat)), col=c(gray(0.75), "white"), lwd=2, lty=2) contour(x, y, fhat, levels=c, col="black", lwd=2, drawlabels=FALSE, add=TRUE) points(Girth[Volume<30], Height[Volume<30]) points(Girth[Volume>=30], Height[Volume>=30], pch=16)