The Architecture of Computer Hardware and Systems Software: An Information Technology Approach
Fall 2005
York University

Semester: Fall 2005
Course/Sect#: ITEC 1000D
Lecture Time: Tuesday 19:00pm-22:00pm
Location: TEL 0016
T.A. Qian Wan  qwan AT
Instructor: Jimmy Huang
Office: TEL 2021
Office Hours: After the class on Thursday
or by appointment
e-mail: jhuang AT

Welcome to the course "Architecture of Computer Hardware and Systems Software: An Information Technology Approach" ITEC-1000 for Fall term 2005. Materials, instructions, and notices for the course will accumulate here over the semester.

Message Board

December 30, 2005
Your grades for ITEC 1000D are available here.

December 7, 2005
Extra office hours will be available on this Wednesday (1:00pm - 3:00pm), Thursday (3:00pm - 6:00pm) and Friday (3:00pm - 6:00pm). If you want to see me in some other time, please email me and make an appointment. I will try my best to meet you.

December 6, 2005
ITEC-1000 3.0D Final Exam Schedule
The final exam will be held on December 9th at 19:00 - 22:00 pm in CSE A (1000D)

December 2, 2005
The final exam coverage is: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14 and 16 except for 16.7, 16.8 and 16.11 (second edition).
    Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 15 except 15.6, 15.7 and 15.10 (third edition).

November 15, 2005
TA will be in the class on Nov. 17 for answering questions about A1, A2 and Midterm.

November 7, 2005
Your assignment 3 is available now.

November 5, 2005
Your midterm marks are available here. The solution for midterm is here. Please come to my office to pick up your midterm papers.

November 1, 2005
Your A2 marks are available here. Please come to my office to pick them up.

October 26, 2005
Extra office hours will be available in the afternoon on October 26.

October 15, 2005
ITEC-1000 3.0D Midterm Exam Schedule
The midterm exam will be held on October 27 from 19:00 to 22:00 pm at TEL 0016.

October 15, 2005
The midterm exam coverage is: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 (2nd & 3rd edition).
The format of midterm exam will roughly be: (1) 4 LMC questions; (2) 3 short answer questions for definitions. (3) 7 questions about number representation/conversion and operations. Additionally 10's and 2's complement representation will be included.

October 11, 2005
This Thursday (Oct.13) is Yom Kippur Day. So there is no class on that day!

October 8, 2005
Your A1 marks are available here. Please come to my office to pick them up.

October 2, 2005
Your assignment 2 is available now.

September 12, 2005
Your assignment 1 is available now (see below).

Course Description

This course introduces the basic concepts of contemporary information technologies involving computers, networks, and telecommunications, that are commonly used to handle information flows, processing, and storage in typical organizations. Both hardware and software technologies are covered. Emphasis is on the uses of components as "black boxes": their external behavioral capabilities and use, rather than their internal construction. Assignments will involve issues of comparing, choosing among, and combining information technology components to solve particular information problems.

This course will cover the following topics:

  • Computer systems and LMC
  • CPU architecture: memory, registers, addressing, busses, instruction set
  • Data representation
  • Peripheral devices, digital audio and video
  • Multi-processor systems
  • Operating systems (process, memory management, virtual storage, file systems)
  • Basic network components and topologies

Required Textbook

The Architecture of Computer Hardware and Systems Software:
           An Information Technology Approach
Second Edition.
Irv Englander
John Wiley & Sons, 2002
ISBN: 0-471-36206-3

Grading Criteria / Course Requirements

Percentage When
Midterm Exam 35% sometime in late October
Final Exam 50% sometime in December
Assignments 15% 3 assignments, due through the semester



  • Assignment 1 (5%)   Due on September  30, 2005 by 12:00pm noon time.   Solution    Marks for A1
  • Assignment 2 (5%)   Due on October 24, 2005 by 5:00pm     Solution    Marks for A2
  • Assignment 3 (5%)   Due on December 2, 2005 by 11:59am       Solution    Marks for A3

  • Assignment drop off location:  The assignment drop box for 1000D is at 3rd floor of TEL building, just beside the elevator. If you have questions for submitting the assignments, please ask Annemarie for help at TEL 2005.

  • Submission policy:  Late Assignments will face a 15% penalty for each day after the due day and a mark of zero will be received if the assignments are later more than one week. In exceptional cases (for example, for medical reasons) the weight of that assignment may be added to the weight of the final exam only with the instructor's permission -- you must provide the Attending Physician's Statement. Electronic assignment submission is not supported and so email submission is not acceptable.

  • Academic honesty:  See here for detailed information.

Useful On-line Information

This page is maintained by Jimmy Huang. Last modified December 7, 2005.