Advanced Information Retrieval Systems
Fall 2022
York University

Semester: Fall 2022
Course/Sect#: ITEC 6210
Lecture Time: Monday 19:00pm-22:00pm
Location: DB 2004
Instructor: Jimmy Huang
Office: TEL 3048
Office Hours: By appointment
Phone #: 416-736-2100 x30149
e-mail: jhuang AT yorku DOT ca

Welcome to the Advanced Information Retrieval Systems course, ITEC-6210 for Fall term 2022. Materials, instructions, and notices for the course will accumulate here over the semester.

Message Board

Course Description

Information retrieval (IR) has changed considerably in the recent years with the expansion of the Web and the advent of inexpensive mass storage devices. As a result, traditional IR courses have become quite out-of-date which has led to the introduction of new and advanced IR course recently.

Unlike structured information, which is typically managed with a relational database, textual information is unstructured and poses special challenges due to the difficulty in precisely understanding natural language and users' information needs. In this course, we introduce a variety of techniques for organizing, searching and mining large text information.

This course is an advanced course that is offered to graduate students, researchers and professionals in the IT field. This course introduces the students to some advanced techniques used in information retrieval and studies the theory, design, and implementation of text-based information retrieval systems. Specifically, the course will expose the students to some of the core technologies on Information Retrieval and its applications on Web and biomedical research etc. It will mainly focus on research projects, paper review and presenation of research papers. In particular, this course will be taught in a research oriented style. Grading is based on a large research project, a final examination, research papers, assignments and presentations. There is a big research component in this course. The assignments generally involve implementing and experimenting with an idea/method on real text data. The final course project is to give the students hands-on experience on developing some novel information retrieval and search tools.

Required Textbook

Introduction to Information Retrieval
482 pages.
Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich Schutze
Cambridge University Press, 2008
ISBN: 978-0-521-86571-5

Grading Criteria / Course Requirements

Percentage When
Course Project 35% some time in December
Final Exam 30% some time in December
Assignments 12% 1 assigment, due through the semester
Paper Review and Presentation 15% due through the semester
Participation 8%  



Paper Review and Presentation


This page is maintained by Jimmy Huang. Last modified September 12, 2022.