“The findings further indicate that factors related to student limits and time limits predominate with respect to those variables that produce less successful course outcomes.” (p.227) “Our present finding confirms that at least 60 percent, and perhaps as many as 80 percent, of American baccalaureate or higher institutions with sociology or psychology departments offer capstone courses...” (p.228) “Our present study confirms that sociology and psychology capstone students nationwide are most likely to engage in a “major project” that entails research, a literature review, and a major paper (Hauhart and Grahe 2010).” (p.235) “Finally, capstone projects are most often shared orally but are also frequently evaluated in paper form.” (p.238)
Hauhart, R. C., & Grahe, J. E. (2012). A National Survey of American Higher Education Capstone Practices in Sociology and Psychology. Teaching Sociology, 40(3), 227-241. doi:10.1177/0092055x12441715