“In summary, good supervision is characterised by trusting relationships where students and supervisors share research interests and supervisors provide advice without undermining students’ ownership of projects, resulting in evolving supportive relationships that foster student growth… All supervisors and coordinators were also able to report on a time when supervision was not going well. Perhaps unsurprisingly, many of the key issues identified - ‘differing expectations’, ‘lack of support’, ‘lack of interest and ownership’, and ‘personality conflicts’. A further issue related to the impact of supervisors’ workloads: ‘overworked and pressure to publish’.” (p.33-34)
Roberts, L. D., & Seaman, K. (2018). Good undergraduate dissertation supervision: Perspectives of supervisors and dissertation coordinators. The International Journal for Academic Development, 23(1), 28-40. doi:10.1080/1360144x.2017.1412971