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Personality differences across majors

Paradoxical Personality and Academic Achievement in College Students From Buenos Aires

“Significant differences were verified for Humility-Pride, favouring the Engineering and Computer Science group compared to the Nutrition one. Individuals showing this pair use to be ambitious and aggressive being, in addition, capable to subordinate their own interests to the group.” (p.608) “Regarding the Humility-Pride pair, Psychology students seem to be ambitious and individualist, being in […]

Major Changes: Personality, ability, and congruence in the prediction of academic outcomes

“Students in the arts/humanities majors were high in openness to experience, business students scored lowest in emotionality, science students scored low in extraversion, and helping/child-focused students scored high in honesty– humility, extraversion, and emotionality.” (p.80) “As compared to other students, business students reported lower levels of honesty–humility and emotionality, and higher levels of extraversion. Science […]

The Dark Triad across academic majors

“The Dark Triad traits (i.e. narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism) have been associated with the desire for power, status, and social dominance in the workplace, and these desires have been hypohtesized to draw Dark Triad individuals towards occupations affording such outcomes...Economics/business students had high Dark Triad scores and psychology students had the lowest Dark Triad scores.” […]

Personality characteristics and choice of academic major: Are traditional stereotypes obsolete?

“International business majors score significantly higher in achievement motivation than any other majors, and computer information systems (CIS) students score significantly lower than any other majors...Accounting majors score significantly higher in conformity than any other majors, CIS students are statistically the second highest, and economics students score significantly lower than any other majors, with international […]

Big Five personality group differences across academic majors: A systematic review

“The results from the present review indicate that substantial personality group differences across academic majors exist...Consistent findings across studies were that students of arts/humanities and psychology scored high on Neuroticism and Openness; Students of political science scored high on Openness; students of economics, law, political science and medicine scored high on extraversion; students of medicine, […]

Personality, academic majors and performance: Revealing complex patterns

“Arts/humanities students scored significantly higher on Agreeableness (than law and economics students), neuroticism (than medicine and economics students), and openness (than medicine, law, economics, and science students), and lower on Conscientiousness (than medicine and psychology students)...Economics students scored significantly lower on Agreeableness (than medicine, psychology, science, and arts/humanities students) and Neuroticism (than psychology and arts/humanities […]