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Student benefits from Capstone Courses

Strengthening Capstone Skills in STEM Programs

“ICap experiential courses gradually introduce challenging and open-ended assignments that foster cognitive learning. Consequently, those higher level skills important in the capstone course are strengthened: critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, teamwork, communications, information literacy, and design process.” (p.6) “In our experience, ICap yields the following transformational benefits to students, instructors, experiential courses, and the curriculum: (1) […]

A Pharmacotherapy Capstone Course to Target Student Learning and Programmatic Curricular Assessment

Survey and self-evaluation data indicated that students learned within the course. Increases in student confidence in critical thinking, problem-solving, decision making, and lifelong learning were also seen during APPEs. (para.2) Saseen, J. J., Linnebur, S. A., Borgelt, L. M., Trujillo, J., Fish, D. N., & Mueller, S. (2017). A Pharmacotherapy Capstone Course to Target Student […]

Employability Skills: Student Perceptions of an IS Final Year Capstone Subject

“Our study suggests that the participants believed the capstone subject did improve a broad range of employability skills and it also demonstrates the interrelated nature of these skills…Time management was also an element in interviewing clients and many students mentioned the importance of making the best use of the limited interview time” (p.12) “In other […]

Leadership for Dummies: A capstone project for leadership students

“The authors believe the Leadership for Dummies capstone project helps students not only use their disciplined mind, the synthesizing mind, and their creating mind, but also meet several of Crunkilton’s educational outcomes (e.g., decision making, critical thinking, and written communications).” (p.127) Moore, L. L., Odom, S. F., & Wied, L. M. (2011). Leadership for Dummies: […]

Investigating PETE majors’ perceptions of lesson study as a capstone experience

“Results indicate that the student teachers found this form of collaborative planning with their cooperating teachers motivational and presented opportunity to increase their ability to observe students, promote stronger collegial networks, and develop a stronger sense of self-efficacy.” (p.228) Cluphf, D., Lux, K., & Scott, V. (2012). Investigating PETE majors’ perceptions of lesson study as […]

Capstone lab project on crystallization of struvite

The post-test scores were significantly higher than those of the pre-test indicating that the learning outcomes were achieved. Students’ overall feedback was positive, implying that the lab projects have been successfully implemented. In addition, the lab projects were found to increase students’ writing and presentation skills. (p.25) Muryanto, S., Supriyo, E., Mulyaningsih, M. F., Hadi, […]

Integrative Biology: A capstone course for an introductory biology core

“The overwhelming majority (89%) of students found the capstone course moderately to very successful in helping them integrate core concepts.” (p.35) “ Overall, student perception and performance measures suggest that this model for a capstone course for the biology core has been successful at promoting integration of core concepts, appreciation of global ecological issues, and […]

Capstone Business Course Assessment: Exploring Student Readiness Perspectives

“In the classroom skills areas, speaking and writing skills showed the highest levels of student confidence. Students reported the least confidence in their ability to do well on exams and in open classroom discussion. The areas of relatively greater confidence were small-group discussions followed by oral or formal presentations.” (p.144) Payne, S. L., Flynn, J., […]