The 'Desktop' Picture....

All pictures here taken by C. Bergevin

Your computer screen. There is a good chance it is something you look at a LOT. Photography. Something I like to do (but am a complete novice). I thought in this day and age, it would be nice to somehow combine the two. Below are links to pictures I took that may or may not make for a good home on your own desktop. Feel free to download and use for your own computer, but please do not pass on nor use for any commercial purposes. At least not without permission (i.e., lots of sweet $$$ coming my way). All images as posted are in .jpg format and are made available online via Dropbox.

[Updated 7/12/11]
[Updated 10/8/11]
[Updated 12/10/11]
More pictures will added be sporadically.... If you enjoy/dislike the desktops, please let me know! [cb2811 {at}]