CERLAC and GLRC present: The Resurgence of the Mexican Labour Movement: Experiences of Union Activists
CERLAC and GLRC present:
The Resurgence of the Mexican Labour Movement: Experiences of Union Activists
April 27, 2-4pm, Kaneff Tower 519
Over the past year, thousands of workers in factories across Mexico producing goods for multinational corporations from GM to 3M, have joined or formed independent unions, displacing the old pro-employer “protection contract” unions. These struggles have emerged in the context of important changes to Mexican labour law and mechanisms in the new CUSMA/T-MEC/USMCA that penalize corporations which violate workers’ rights to unionize. While fighting to raise wages and improve working conditions, these organizers are also striving to build unions with gender equity, and eliminate violence, harassment and discrimination from the workplace.
- Julia Quiñonez: Comite Fronterizo de Obrer@s (Border Workers Committee)
- Rosalba Calva Flores: Frente Autentico del Trabajo (Authentic Labour Front)
- Rosario Ortiz: Red de Mujeres Sindicalistas (Women's Trade Union Network)
- Aldo Morales: Sindicato de los Mineros (Miners' Union)
Paul Bocking (Mexico Labour Solidarity Project Coordinator)
This seminar is organized by the Canada-Mexico Labour Solidarity Project, between these organizations and the Canadian Labour Congress, Centre International de Solidarité Ouvrière of Quebec, United Steelworkers, Canadian Union of Public Employees and the Public Service Alliance of Canada, and is co-sponsored by the Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CERLAC) and the Global Labour Research Centre (GLRC) at York University.
Interpretation will be provided from Spanish to English. Light refreshments will be provided.
For more information on the Mexico Labour Solidarity Project: https://youtu.be/0CKB8ONVPcE