York University's Disrupting Early Childhood Series, CERLAC and Western University’s ICRC invite you to: IN(SUR)GENT COUNTER PEDAGOGIES FROM NUESTRAMERICA
In this space-conversation, Ornela and Santiago will propose to create and share ideas and problems that might work as animico-political and (aesth)ethic-political seeds, to ask ourselves about the pedagogical desires that we gestate and traverse in our educational and research spaces. From the territoriality of nuestramerica situated in Argentina, Ornela and Santiago will share their (un)disciplined-perhaps - even post-qualitative-research - and feeling-thinking processes that work as a relational fabric between bodies, affections, and territorialities. This space-conversation will invite those present to implicate their desires and to constellate their (auto)(po)ethical registers with the intention of 'cartographing' vital and pedagogical possibilities of being together.
June 25, 2025
12:00 pm
Meeting Registration: https://yorku.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkceuspjopGdWcffjXo-rUHF1j7seAK4_9#/registration