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3 Jamaican Plays: A Postcolonial Anthology 1977-1987

3 Jamaican Plays: A Postcolonial Anthology 1977-1987

3 Jamaican Plays: A Postcolonial Anthology 1977-1987, honor ford-smith
Author: Honor Ford-Smith (Editor)
Published: April 2011
Publisher: Paulissa Publications

A sparkling text with heft, drive, and purpose, this offering by Honor Ford-Smith, scholar and poet of Sistren fame, is an important addition to every Caribbeanist's library. The plays that Ford-Smith and Paul Issa selected to represent the early postcolonial era in Jamaican theatre are provocative and vibrant: Masqueraders by Stafford Ashani, to whom the volume is dedicated, Whiplash by Ginger Knight, and Fallen Angel and the Devil Concubine by Patricia Cumper, Honor Ford-Smith, Carol Lawes, Hertencer Lindsay, and Eugene Williams. Ford-Smith has introduced the plays in a brilliant piece that precedes them and again in shorter introductions that contextualize each of the plays.
