Statistical Methods II

AS/PSYC 2022 3.0 P

Winter 2004


Instructor: Christopher D. Green
(, 210 BSB,
York ext. 66164)


Teaching Assistant: Gigi Luk
(, 262 BSB, York ext. 66163)
Office hours:
10:30-11:30 Thursdays

Required Texts:

Howell, D. C. (2002). Statistical methods for psychology (5th ed.). Boston: Duxbury.



 8 Jan.   Introduction & Review

15 Jan.  Chapter 8 (power), Chapter 9 (correlation & regression)

22 Jan.  Chapter 10 (alternative correlational techniques)

29 Jan.  Chapter 11 (simple analysis of variance)

 5 Feb.  Chapter 12 (multiple comparisons in analysis of variance)

12 Feb.  Midterm Test (40%)

19 Feb.  Reading Week -- no classes

26 Feb. Chapter 13 (factorial analysis of variance)

 4 Mar. Chapter 13 (cont'd)

 5 Mar. Last Day to Drop Course

11 Mar. Chapter 14. (only to 14.5, repeated measures analysis of variance)

18 Mar. Chapter 15 (only to 15.8, multiple correlation and regression)

25 Mar. Chapter 15 (cont'd)

  1 Apr. overload

Final Exam (60%) TBA