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City Institute Director receives 2022 AAG Award

City Institute Director receives 2022 AAG Award

News excerpt from the American Association of Geographers:

From left to right: Beverley Mullings, Kate Parizeau and Linda Peake

2022 Diversity and Inclusion Award

The Diversity and Inclusion Award (previously Enhancing Diversity Award) honors those geographers who have pioneered efforts toward, or actively participate in efforts towards encouraging a more diverse discipline.

Beverley Mullings, Queen’s University; Kate Parizeau, University of Guelph; and Linda Peake, York University

Beverley Mullings, Kate Parizeau, and Linda Peake are Canadian-based academic geographers whose collaborative work has increased the visibility of the mental health crisis within AAG and the North American academy.

The AAG Diversity & Inclusion Committee was impressed by their translation of informal, kitchen-table conversations with graduate students into highly organized efforts that foreground this pressing topic in scholarly journals and professional meetings. This translation process began with the trio’s first academic talk on mental health in academia at the 2013 Feminist Geography Workshop at the University of Guelph. Since then, they have published widely on this topic in a variety of geographic journals and organized sessions at annual and regional meetings in the US and Canada.

Moreover, their efforts have resulted in the formation of the AAG Mental Health Task Force (2015-18) and an AAG Affinity Group on Mental Health in the Academy (2019). The committee recognizes the longstanding and continuing work of Dr. Mullings, Dr. Parizeau and Dr. Peake as contributing to ideals of justice, equity, and inclusion within geography.

The AAG is therefore pleased to recognize them with its 2022 Diversity & Inclusion Award.

See full article: