If you’ve found a co-op position that you are interested in applying for or a company you would be interested in working with that was not posted on the Career Centre’s job posting system and would like help with reaching out to the employer and/or applying for the position, please contact the Recruitment & Job Search Coordinator.
If you’ve accepted a co-op position that was not posted on the Career Centre’s job posting system, but would like to see if the position is eligible to be considered as part of the Co-op Program, please contact the Recruitment & Job Search Coordinator as soon as possible and provide the following information:
- A copy of your confirmation letter/letter of acceptance
- The anticipated start date of your co-op
- A copy of the job description indicating the position is paid and full-time
- Other work term details
The Recruitment & Job Search Coordinator will verify that the position is appropriate for the Co-op Program based on the following criteria:
- It is related to your field of study
- It offers an opportunity to apply your skills and knowledge in the workplace
- It has a duration of 4 months beginning in either September, January or May
- The employer must be willing to participate in the co-op performance review process including a first and last term call with the Co-op Coordinator
- The Co-op Program will receive a written performance evaluation from your employer at the end of your co-op work term
The Recruitment and Job Search Coordinator will contact the employer to discuss their role in the Co-op Program and the Performance Review Process.