New York Dialect: David Alan Stern
A. Resonance: Forward Focus
Working the Jaw
Famous Stern Gum Chewing
Resonance changes timber
B. Vowel 1
Vowels 2.
Vowels 3
Vowels 4
Vowel 4 cont
Vowel 4 cont
Vowel 4 continued
Intonation & Pitch
Phoneme changes related to pitch \Ñ\_\Â\ (more like [¯])
\Ñ\_\Â\ in diphthongs
\Ñ\_\Â\ in diphthongs
\OÑ, AÑ\ _ \O7.Â, A\
Linking R - R sandhi
Medial R - [â]
Isolated Phoneme Changes
Dropping ìGî in ìingî endings
Dialect Intensification
Coached drill
From Iolanthie
Brooklynese and Bronx
I am the very model of a Modern Major General.
Coming SoonÖ