Click on the sound to play it, then choose which symbol best describes it.

Welcome! These materials were first created for use by Roosevelt University students in the Theatre Program of the College of Performing Arts.

For each item:
- listen to the sound.
- click on the box that represents the correct IPA transcription of the nonsense word you heard.
If you are right:
- the square beside the box gets an ":)" in it
If you are wrong:
- the square beside the box gets an "X" in it
Either way:
you will see feedback here

Your computer must have sound capabilites, including the correct hardware and software to play sound. This means a correctly installed soundcard, and your browser must be able to play embedded .mp3 sound files.

IF THE SOUND CONTROLLER DOES NOT LOAD: You may need to do some set up in your web-browser. First make sure that you have your Browser Preferences for this file type set correctly:

Microsoft Internet Explorer: Go to Preferences, and under "Receiving Files" select "File Helpers". Find the listing for MPEG Layer 3 Audio, with the extension ".mp3, audio/x-mpeg". If the helper application is not QuickTime Plug-In, click on the Change... button below. In the handling section at the bottom of the new dialogue box, select How to Handle: View with Plug-In, and Plug-In Name: QuickTime Plugin. Select OK, and OK to leave preferences. Then RELOAD your page to see if it worked!

Netscape Navigator: Go to Preferences, and Select Applications. Find the MPEG Audio listing under Applications, and select Edit. The MIME Type should be "audio/x-mpeg" and the suffixes should include "mp3". Below, in the "Handled By" section, choose the radio-button for Plug-In and select the QuickTime Plug-In 4.1.1 (or whichever is the latest version you have). Hit OK to leave that dialogue box, and OK to leave Preferences. Then RELOAD this page to see if it worked!

If you don't have the QuickTime PlugIn go to Apple's QuickTime site and download it for FREE.