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Research Minute - UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education Towards Sustainability

Reorienting education to address a sustainable future

The UNESCO Chair research projects are carried out in a very unique way. UNESCO Chair research serves the international education community and is tailored to provide policy recommendations to UNESCO in conjunction with its strategy, recommendations and other particular activities. When developing research ideas, we approach universities that are members in our networks, the International Network of Teacher Education Institutions and the #IndigenousESD research network, to partner with us. In each specific project, research concepts are respectfully co-developed with one another in a north-south dialogue ensuring research can be carried out in a manner and at a pace that is appropriate for all partners to implement. While this requires enormous effort in communicating with many partners in different languages, we achieve comparable research results from all regions of the world to inform UNESCO’s understanding of global or regional challenges and develop appropriate approaches for solutions.

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