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IN THE MEDIA: Ontario made the right call on streaming. A student’s future should not be decided in Grade 9

IN THE MEDIA: Ontario made the right call on streaming. A student’s future should not be decided in Grade 9

Carl James

This week, the Government of Ontario announced that it would end streaming in Grade 9.

Research by Carl James, York University Professor and Jean Augustine Chair in Education, Community and Diaspora, is not alone in showing that Black Canadians and especially historic Black Canadians (compared with those from the families of recent immigrants) are far more likely to end up in the bottom stream than all their peers. Shamefully, Ontario’s streaming policy has been segregating students by race and class for the best part of 30 years.

Kids shouldn’t have their futures decided at the age of seven or at 14 either. Putting an end to streaming solves half of the problem. Now is the time for government and teachers to work together to put in place something better.