Associate Professors Sue Winton and Chloë Brushwood Rose have co-edited a special issue of the Journal of Teaching and Learning. The issue titled "Emerging Research on the Impacts of COVID-19 for Children, Youth, and Education features a number of Faculty of Education researchers.
Brushwood Rose and Winton say this Special Issue arose from and responds to the pandemic in more ways than one. With the declaration by the World Health Organization in early 2020 that the outbreak of COVID-19, a new coronavirus disease, was a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and a global pandemic, children, parents, teachers, and researchers—indeed almost everyone—experienced a profound disruption to their work and social lives. The rapid spread of COVID-19 brought school closures, calls to shelter in place, economic slowdowns, and fears of sickness and death.
They explain, "many of us found ourselves reinventing how we worked and connected with others, and those who continued to go to frontline jobs felt the profound stress of literally putting their lives on the line. In many ways, this Special Issue emerges out of and tries to make sense of these changes to the everyday lives of children, educators, and educational researchers who must reimagine what it means to go to school, to learn, to teach, and to study these experiences."
Access the Journal here.