Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Top Stories
- JOIN THE CONVERSATION: Five-Year Strategic Plan (2023-2027)
We Want To Hear From You! We are currently undertaking a major planning exercise to develop our next Five-Year Strategic Plan (2023-2027) to inform and define the future direction of the Faculty. As a part of this process we have developed a website devoted to the plan. The site includes a section called ‘Join the Conversation’ that facilitates anybody posting feedback relevant to the Five-Year plan. Please make good use of this feature and make commentary as specific and solutions oriented as you can to aid action. Your thoughts and ideas will be integral to the evolution of the plan and of the Faculty moving forward. Visit website - Associate Professor Aparna Mishra Tarc wrote an article titled We need to pay attention to the experiences of children in Ukraine during the Russian invasion that was published in The Conversation Canada. Read the article
- Associate Professor Roopa Desai Trilokekar and M.Ed student Noah Khan are hosting a webinar Minding the Gap on March 22nd. The webinar will share findings stemming from a recent project titled Factors that contribute to the gap in labour market performance of international and domestic graduates in Ontario and Nova Scotia. Register here
- Assistant Professor Lesley Wilton has been invited to join the panel of judges for this year’s Global Youth Challenge 2022: AI and the Future of Humankind. The Global Youth Challenge is a world-wide competition that consists of public speaking, essay writing, and creative projects that grapple with the topic of artificial intelligence and the impact that it will have on humanity. Learn more
Program Office Updates
Dean's Office
- The Faculty of Education’s Communications and Marketing team is embarking on some Faculty identity work and high-level messaging with York’s Agency of Record Ogilvy. The exercise comes directly out of York’s new masterbrand and ‘Positive Change’ University messaging. The main outcome of the project will help to strategically inform our overall communications & marketing as a Faculty. We have also come to realize it comes at a good time with the Faculty’s Five-Year Strategic Plan in development. Ogilvy’s work which will be informed by a number of our stakeholders, can help infuse and support the Strategic Plan work already underway
- Return to Campus - Winters College is currently under renovation. The second floor of Winters College will not be accessible during the renovation. Please be advised of the following temporary changes/updates to some of our Program Office locations and services
- Faculty/researcher profiles – The faculty/researcher profiles on our website https://edu.yorku.ca/edu-profiles/ provide information on your past and present research and academic expertise, as well as contact information. Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to update your faculty profile
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Office
- The Application Package for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher Education Program is now available on the program website. Applications are due March 22, 2022
Research Office
- Please join us on Tuesday March 22, 10:00 a.m. - noon for the first and timely panel of 2022 entitled, “Rethinking Home and Homelessness: Black Youth, First Nations, and the Repatriation of Ancestral Knowledges”
- Please also mark your calendars for the next two panels of the Series:
Friday April 29: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Tuesday May 17: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
- Please also mark your calendars for the next two panels of the Series:
- Nominations for the Dean’s Impact Awards (Established and Emergent) are due March 22, 2022. Please nominate yourself or a colleague! For more information, please contact research@edu.yorku.ca
- Upcoming Internal Opportunities
- SSHRC Explore Grant: Due March 31, 2022
- SSHRC Exchange KMb Grant: Due March 31, 2022
Please reach out to research@edu.yorku.ca if you would like support in applying for these opportunities
- Do you have ideas about events or initiatives that can support your efforts in research? Contact the office at research@edu.yorku.ca to let us know how we can help
Office of Professional Learning
- Registration for “New Grad AQs” is now open! - Our New Grad AQs are open to teacher candidates who are completing their BEd program requirements and are scheduled to graduate in June 2022. Fully online classes run May 17 to June 30. York graduates receive a $50 discount off each course and off all future York AQ courses. The deadline to register is May 10th. Visit https://www.yorku.ca/edu/new-grad-focus/ for more information. Please spread the word to your graduating BEd students
Graduate Program Office
- Grad students invited to share work at annual Conference in Education - York University graduate students are invited to present their creative and scholarly works in a collaborative, professional and welcoming environment during the 18th annual York University Graduate Student Conference in Education, March 24 to 26. The conference theme “re:.” As society moves toward a re-opening, invites presenters and attendees to explore the preposition re: as an intersection of pasts, presents and futures as we re-imagine and re-consider our ‘re’sponsibility as researchers, educators, scholars, storytellers, makers and creators. Visit the conference website
Information Technology (IT) Office
- Window snapping: Pressing the Windows Key + Arrow Keys will cause a window to quickly snap to each side of either monitor. Alternatively, hitting Shift + Windows Key + Arrows will cause the window to jump to the other monitor. While pressing Windows + P will allow you to quickly set up a second display or projector
- Window snipping: Pressing Windows Key + Shift + S will allow you to capture sections of your screen
New Publications
- Associate Professor Lesley Wilton has published a chapter titled Not busy work! The benefits of new literacies and social practices in online discussions in the book “Designing for Meaningful Synchronous and Asynchronous Discussion in Online Courses”. In the chapter, Wilton explains how supporting online literacies, social practices, and a sense of belonging in asynchronous discussions can support engaging and inclusive digital learning spaces. Read the chapter
News from the York Community
- Statement from President Lenton on the conflict in Ukraine – With the armed conflict in Ukraine continuing to heighten, I know that many of our community members, myself included, are profoundly distressed by the unconscionable scenes of violence and devastation we are witnessing in the news each day. Read the full statement
- Nominate a colleague for the 2021 President’s Staff Recognition Awards - Nominations for the 2021 Staff Recognition Awards are open! The awards are an important opportunity to recognize colleagues who have gone above and beyond to support student success, academic excellence, and community engagement. Learn more
- Climate Change Research Month (March) at York University – This month (March), York University celebrates the first-ever Climate Research Month with more than a dozen events, films and panels aimed at generating awareness of climate change research and mobilizing the University community to take action. Learn more
Higher Education in Comparative Perspective: Opportunities and Challenges
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
online via Zoom
Global access to postsecondary education has expanded significantly over the past two decades, growing from 100 million tertiary education students in 2000 to 250 million in 2020 (World Bank, 2021). International higher education has also become an increasingly connected, and competitive, sector. In other words, public and private universities have become spaces for transnational engagement, as well as hubs through which people, knowledge, technologies, and money flow. Despite the global growth in post-secondary enrolment, there remains significant disparities in who can access higher education within and across national borders. This BHER Speaker Series event will feature a panel of academic administrators and higher education experts involved in a range of internationalization efforts. They will discuss the opportunities and challenges to expanding higher educational access across borders, and consider the possibilities for, and constraints to, transnational higher education partnership.
Vous êtes convié.e.s à notre journée d’étude :
Enseignement et apprentissage des compétences du 21e siècle en français (L1 et L2): résilience, collaboration et créativité
Le samedi 26 mars 2022
En ligne sur la plateforme HopIn
Tables rondes et présentations : 8 h 45 - 17 h 15
Film Cinéfranco : 18 h 00 - 20 h 00
Le monde de l’éducation a basculé dans un nouveau paradigme pédagogique qui vise à préparer les étudiant·e·s à un avenir incertain, en évolution constante, hyperconnecté et complexe. La définition de nouveaux objectifs d’apprentissage - les compétences du 21e siècle (ou compétences globales) - est la première étape vers la transformation de l’apprentissage en salle de classe (Quinn et al., 2020). Selon Fullan et al. (2017), les six compétences suivantes sont celles d’un leader du 21e siècle : savoir faire montre d’un caractère fort (résilience, compassion et capacité à apprendre), savoir exercer sa citoyenneté, savoir collaborer, savoir communiquer, être créatif et avoir l’esprit critique. Aider les apprenants à développer ces compétences grâce à des projets significatifs, pertinents et pouvant même changer le monde, ne peut que mener à une expérience d'apprentissage véritablement transformatrice, “l’apprentissage en profondeur” (Fullan et al., 2017). Bien outiller les étudiants, futurs agents de changement de notre société, est particulièrement important dans un contexte linguistique et culturel francophone minoritaire.
Pour consulter le programme et vous inscrire, cliquez sur ce lien.
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