- Additional Qualification courses at York University operate on a "pass/fail" basis.
- Grades are not assigned.
- Courses do not carry degree credit and will not appear on York University transcripts.
- The University holds all teacher candidates pursuing additional teacher qualifications to the same standards as students in degree programs.
- Offenses against academic honesty, such as plagiarism and cheating, will be dealt with seriously and penalties will be strictly enforced.
- The Senate Policy on Academic Honesty is available at: https://www.yorku.ca/academicintegrity
- Personal information is collected under the authority of Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and The York University Act, 1965.
- For questions about the collection, use and disclosure of personal information by the Faculty of Education, please contact the Manager, Professional Learning, York University, Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Building (DB) 3150, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3, telephone 416-736-5003.
- Fall, Winter, Spring sessions: withdrawals are considered within the first week of scheduled classes.
- Summer session: withdrawals are considered within the first two full days of scheduled classes.
- Check your York University Confirmation email for your course withdrawal deadline date or contact us.
- To submit a withdrawal request, log into your Professional Learning account.
- Withdrawals are effective on the date we receive your withdrawal request.
- Once you submit your request, you will be withdrawn from Moodle.
- Requests for refund or transfer are considered subject to withdrawal guidelines and deadlines.
- You will receive an email informing you of the decision.
See Full Withdrawals, Transfers & Refunds Policy
- A petition is a formal request for the waiver of a Faculty regulation, decision or deadline.
- You have the right to petition on reasonable grounds for special consideration.
- If you wish to petition a decision or evaluation, apply in writing to raiseyouraq@edu.yorku.ca to indicate your intent and the office will advise you on next steps depending on the nature of the petition request.
- T2202 tax receipt forms are generated by the end of February each year.
- As per Revenue Canada regulations, your tax receipt reflects the registration amount you paid for courses attended during that taxation year regardless of when you paid for it.
- Back copies of tax receipts are available by contacting the office.