1.3 Pricing by Replication

In a market where there are no arbitrage opportunities, the following question can be posed: Given the profile of a certain cash flow in the future, what should its price be? Only in markets with no arbitrage opportunities can such a question make sense. As noted above, if arbitrage opportunities exist there may be more than one price assigned to a portfolio, as the law of one price does not hold. Moreover, one would not bother buying any security if one can make infinite amounts of money with no risk and no initial investment.

The question posed, however, may not have a unique solution. The absence of a unique solution may occur in markets termed incomplete markets . An incomplete market is a market where, given a cash flow profile, there might not be a portfolio that generates this cash flow. The appendix elaborates more on this point. The market in our example is complete.

We thus return the price of security 2 to its original value of $105 so that the no-arbitrage condition holds, and accordingly redefine the array Cash .

> Cash:=[Cost=60*S1+105*S2+100*SF,IncomeSt1=50*S1+90*S2+110*SF,IncomeSt2=60*S1+110*S2+110*SF,IncomeSt3=80*S1+130*S2+110*SF];

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

1.3.1. Three Special Contingent Cash Flows

There are three "special'' cash flows in this market, sometimes also referred to as elementary cash flows. These can be priced now. The meaning of these cash flows is the topic of the next section. The first cash flow is ( [Maple Math] ), i.e., in the next time period receive $1 in state 1, and $0 in states 2 and 3. In order to price this cash flow, we use our minimization problem, as before:

> simplex[minimize](60*S1+105*S2+100*SF,{50*S1+90*S2+110*SF>=1,60*S1+110*S2+110*SF>=0,80*S1+130*S2+110*SF>=0});

[Maple Math]

The optimal solution of the minimization problem,

[Maple Math] ,

is the portfolio we seek. It stipulates the combination of the three securities to be purchased now in order to generate the first elementary cash flow in the next time period. Substituting the optimal solution of the minimization problem into Cash (as always) verifies the solution and allows the cost to be calculated.

> subs(S1=1/10,S2=-1/10,SF=1/22,Cash);

[Maple Math]

If [Maple Math] units of security 1 are purchased, [Maple Math] units of security 2 are shorted, and [Maple Math] units of the bond are purchased, the resultant portfolio will generate the first elementary cash flow. This portfolio will cost $ [Maple Math] now. In the same manner, the prices of the other two elementary cash flows, ( [Maple Math] ) and then ( [Maple Math] ), are calculated and substituted in Cash :

> simplex[minimize](60*S1+105*S2+100*SF,{50*S1+90*S2+110*SF>=0,60*S1+110*S2+110*SF>=1,80*S1+130*S2+110*SF>=0});

[Maple Math]

> subs(S1=-1/5,S2=3/20,SF=-7/220,Cash);

[Maple Math]

> simplex[minimize](60*S1+105*S2+100*SF,{50*S1+90*S2+110*SF>=0,60*S1+110*S2+110*SF>=0,80*S1+130*S2+110*SF>=1});

[Maple Math]

> subs(S1=1/10,S2=-1/20,SF=-1/220,Cash);

[Maple Math]

We now know the portfolio combinations of securities 1 and 2, and of the bond, to purchase in the current time period in order to generate each of the three elementary cash flows in the next time period. We also know what these portfolios cost. These results are summarized in Table 1.2.

[Maple Math] [Maple Math] [Maple Math] [Maple Math]
[Maple Math] [Maple Math] [Maple Math] [Maple Math]
[Maple Math] [Maple Math] [Maple Math] [Maple Math]
[Maple Math] [Maple Math] [Maple Math] [Maple Math]

Table 1.2: Three Elementary Cash Flows

In fact, now that we have the prices of these elementary cash flows, it is possible to value any cash flow in this market in a very simple way. Consider the cash flow ( [Maple Math] ) and suppose we can find three portfolios: portfolio [Maple Math] denoted by [Maple Math] with a price of [Maple Math] that pays $ [Maple Math] if state [Maple Math] occurs and zero otherwise, for [Maple Math] . In this case the price of the cash flow ( [Maple Math] ) must equal (by the replication arguments) [Maple Math] . However, the cash flow from [Maple Math] is actually [Maple Math] times the cash flow from the [Maple Math] elementary cash flow. Consequently, portfolio [Maple Math] that produces $ [Maple Math] contingent on state [Maple Math] is equivalent to buying [Maple Math] times the portfolio producing $1 contingent on state [Maple Math] . Portfolios producing the elementary cash flows will be referred to as elementary portfolios and will be denoted by [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] . In our example the compositions of the elementary portfolios are summarized in Table 1.3.

[Maple Math] [Maple Math] [Maple Math] [Maple Math]
[Maple Math] [Maple Math] [Maple Math] [Maple Math]
[Maple Math] [Maple Math] [Maple Math] [Maple Math]
[Maple Math] [Maple Math] [Maple Math] [Maple Math]

Table 1.3: The Portfolios Generating the Elementary Cash Flows

Indeed, we already know the prices of the elementary portfolios. In our example the portfolio producing $1 contingent on state 1 costs $ [Maple Math] . Thus the portfolio producing $ [Maple Math] contingent on state 1 will cost $ [Maple Math] and the cost of the cash flow ( [Maple Math] ) is simply

[Maple Math] .


The above argument shows that the cash flow ( [Maple Math] ) is generated by buying [Maple Math] times the portfolio [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] times the portfolio [Maple Math] , and [Maple Math] times the portfolio [Maple Math] ; i.e., the required portfolio is thus

[Maple Math] .


Let us now apply this valuation technique to an example and compare it to our first valuation method. Consider the cash flow ( [Maple Math] ). Based on equation (1.3) its price should be

> (1/22)*100 -(25/44)*20 +(13/44)*45;

[Maple Math]

This result can be confirmed by solving the optimization problem that finds the least-cost portfolio producing this cash flow:

> simplex[minimize](60*S1+105*S2+100*SF,{50*S1+90*S2+110*SF>=100,60*S1+110*S2+110*SF>=-20,80*S1+130*S2+110*SF>=45});

[Maple Math]

Substitution of the solution (the portfolio) in the array Cash results in the cost and the cash flows of the portfolio.

> subs(S1=37/2,S2=-61/4,SF=219/44,Cash);

[Maple Math]

Alternatively, confirmation can be carried out without the need to solve an optimization problem. Since we already know the units of securities 1 and 2 and the bond in each of the elementary portfolios, we can find the portfolio producing this cash flow utilizing equation (1.4). This is done by summing the units of security 1 in [Maple Math] (follow the first row of Table 1.3) and multiplying it by [Maple Math] for [Maple Math] .

> 100*(1/10) -20*(-1/5) +45*(1/10);

[Maple Math]

The result of the above calculation is the number of units of security 1 in the portfolio producing the cash flow ( [Maple Math] ). We then repeat this for security 2

> 100*(-1/10)-20*(3/20) +45*(-1/20);

[Maple Math]

and finally for the bond

> 100*(1/22) -20*(-7/220) +45*(-1/220);

[Maple Math]

We see that the two methods produce the same result. The prices of the portfolios producing the elementary cash flows can be interpreted as discount factors. This is elaborated on in the next section from a different perspective.

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