Throughout the life of a research project, the PI is responsible for initiating and approving all purchases against his/her research grant or contract, and ensuring eligibility of all expenses. Your Faculty Research Administrator and/or Research Accounting are available to assist you on the effective administration of your research grant/contract.
Expenditures charged to research grants and contracts are required to comply with University policies, unless the granting agency guidelines impose greater restrictions. Researchers should refer to the funding agency guidelines and approved budgets for the grant or contract.
Listed below are the most common eligible/ineligible expenses. For a more comprehensive list of ineligible expenses refer to the Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide; the funding agency guidelines and York University's Reimbursement of Expenses Procedure.
- research related costs
- research supplies
- equipment/computers
- student and independent contractor salaries
- reference materials
- printing/copying
- overhead (agency approved)
- travel directly related to research
- trip cancellation insurance
- meals, accommodation and transportation related to travel
- vaccinations
- visa fees
- non-research related expenses
- expenses which are recoverable from a third party
- passport costs
- late payment fees or interest on credit cards or overdraft interest charges
- parking, traffic or other fines and penalties
- furniture and furnishings
Ineligible Travel Related Expenses
Ineligible travel related expenses include:
- costs of transporting research personnel to and from a grantee's sabbatical location for supervisory or academic purposes
- costs of transporting the grantee to the home institution for supervisory or academic purposes
- normal living expenses (accommodation, meals, etc.). Only expenses directly related to the conduct of research are eligible for reimbursement.
For more information visit the How to Services - Travelling on University Business for helpful travel resources.