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Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Grace and David Taylor Graduate Scholarship

Overview The Grace and David Taylor Graduate Scholarship in Caribbean Studies is intended to support PhD students whose research is related to Caribbean studies so that they might focus on research during the fieldwork phase of their studies or while writing their thesis. Applications are reviewed and awarded by Centre of Research on Latin America […]

Diana Massiah Caribbean Canadian Scholarship

Overview The Diana Massiah Caribbean Canadian Scholarship was created to support full-time undergraduate and graduate students at York University. To be eligible students must demonstrate academic excellence and have financial need. Recipients must have a clear and compelling passion for and a history with the Caribbean community or the Caribbean-Canadian community. The scholarship is renewable […]

W.W. Anderson Award in Caribbean Studies

OVERVIEW The W.W. Anderson Award in Caribbean Studies will be granted to a graduate student who identifies as Afro-Caribbean, or Black and isregistered in the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC) graduate diploma program, or is a research associate with CERLAC, and is otherwise engaged in research in the Caribbean and/or […]

Paavo & Aino Lukkari Human Rights Fellowship

Overview The Paavo and Aino Lukkari Award will be awarded annually to graduate student(s) whose research focuses on human rights and social justice issues related to the situation of indigenous people or people of African descent in Latin America and the Caribbean. Recipients must have a minimum “A-” average, and must be Canadian citizens, permanent […]

Paavo & Aino Lukkari Award

Overview The Paavo & Aino Lukkari Award will be awarded annually to graduate student(s) whose research focuses on human rights and social justice issues related to the situation of indigenous people or people of African descent in Latin America and the Caribbean. Recipients must have a minimum “A-“ average, and must be Canadian citizens, permanent […]